Yoga for Backache Relief

Yoga for Backache Relief

Language: English

Pages: 99

ISBN: 8183280064

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Backache is one of the most dangerous yet ignored disorders that we face today. It affects the quality of life initially and if left unattended may eventually render the person almost immobile. This powerful yoga book gives a wake-up call as it also shares simple and practical 'asanas' to provide relief against the nagging disorder.

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vertebral bodies and prevents excessive separation of vertebral bodies while bending forward. • the third kind of joint is the facet joint which prevents the intervertebral joints from being twisted too much or displaced forward. The rupturing or displacement of any of these joints usually results in what is known as slipped disc. Spinal cord (information super-highway) The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that arise in the brain and extend downwards, enclosed and protected within

skeletal muscles. That is, they are inserted through muscle tendons at key points in the bones making movement possible and protecting the skeleton. Along with the spinal column, the muscles located in the back 9 Thank you for evaluating PDF to ePub Converter. To get full version, you need to purchase the software from: region are fundamental to keeping the torso upright, and in providing movement. Although there are

you regularly wake up with a bad back, chances are that you are sleeping in a posture that is causing you pain. Try out a new posture to sleep in. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Also it could be that your mattress and pillow need to be changed. Look for a firm yet supportive mattress. • Couch potato: Everyone loves to laze around on the couch watching TV. Remember that it is destroying your back. Always sit upright and comfortably while watching TV. Avoid slouching or lying down,

because chances are that you are straining your 12         neck and back to catch a glimpse of the action. • Picking-up things: Tremendous care must be taken while picking up things off the floor. Most commonly while picking up a bucket of water, or any other load, ensure that you bend your knees and lift the load using your legs, rather than using the muscles of your back. • Wrong walking: A faulty technique of walking will cause tremendous back pain. Always keep your torso upright

raise your torso and exhale as you come down. 48 49 VARIATION 3 • Lie in the starting position as in bhujangasana, keeping your palms on the ground at chest level. Bend your knees and then raise your upper body so that your elbows are straight. Drop your head back. Hold the position and your breath for a few seconds; exhale and lower your torso and then your legs. 50 51 VARIATION 4 • Interlock your palms and place them facing downward on the ground at chest level. Support

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