Professional jQuery

Professional jQuery

Rob Larsen

Language: English

Pages: 336

ISBN: 1118026683

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This book covers jQuery including a developer-level introduction and an in-depth look into some of the more advanced features. The book focuses on features available as of jQuery 1.7.1. but also tries to incorporate feature support in older versions of the library wherever it is relevant.

The first few chapters will help you set up a development environment and review important JavaScript concepts. Detailed coverage includes:

  • functions that make up the library and usages of the core jQuery functions
  • in-depth to select and manipulate HTML elements with jQuery
  • the cross-browser ability to bind and manage browser events
  • Ajax
  • shortcuts jQuery offers for animating components in your web applications including moving, fading, toggling, and resizing elements
  • jQuery UI, which is an associated user interface library for jQuery and contains things such as widgets, effects, animations, and interactions
  • additional jQuery UI features including moving, sorting, resizing, and selection elements with a mouse
  • techniques, best practices, and patterns that you can apply to your code to make it more efficient, maintainable, and clear
  • jQuery Template plugin
  • authoring jQuery plugins.
  • jQuery Deferred Object
  • unit testing and detail of the specific unit testing framework created by and used by the jQuery project itself, QUnit.

If you have experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this book is for you. For existing jQuery users, it will expand your jQuery knowledge by focusing on the core library with the benefit of strong core JavaScript expertise in many of the lessons. But this book is not aimed at beginners. For those looking to start with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery development, Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery by Richard York will most likely help you more.

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resources, and functionality that you may never use. On the other hand, the creators of jQuery very thoughtfully kept out these kinds of “add on” modules, and kept the jQuery core small and compact. It is, however, extensible through the plugin system, which is covered in Chapter 12. The jQuery core function, sometimes also referred to as a factory object, is referenced as either jQuery() or, more commonly, by its alias $(). If you recall from the JavaScript primer, this c03.indd 41 22/03/12

Attributes Gets or sets the value of the specified attribute. .html() Attributes, DOM Insertion Gets or sets the HTML content of the first matched element. .type() Utility Determines the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object. jQuery is eco-friendly; it doesn’t pollute the namespace with globals except for jQuery and $. Although the $ alias might be used in other libraries, it’s highly unlikely that any other library uses jQuery as a variable. Utility Functions If you recall, functions

$(selector).button(‘widget’); $(selector).buttonset(‘widget’); Returns the .ui-button element. $(selector).button(‘refresh’); $(selector).buttonset(‘refresh’); Refreshes the visual state of the button widget. Table 8-3 shows the options available for the button and buttonset. TABLE 8-3: $.button() and $.buttonset() Options c08.indd 158 OPTION ACCEPTS DESCRIPTION Disabled Boolean Disables the button widget. Text Boolean Option dictating if text should be displayed or not. 22/03/12

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“role”:”employee” }, { “name”:”Lynn”, “email”:””, “role”:”manager” }, { “name”:”Carol”, “email”:””, “role”:”manager” }] } } c01.indd 12 22/03/12 8:37 AM Development Tools ❘ 13 With JSONView, the output should look similar to the following code snippet. The minus sign indicates a collapsible node, and a plus sign indicates an already collapsed node. The last two records are collapsed. { - users: { - user: [ - { name: “Tom”, email: “”, role:

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