Introducing Freud: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Freud: A Graphic Guide

Richard Appignanesi

Language: English

Pages: 176

ISBN: 1840468513

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Freud revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. His psychoanalytic terms such as Id, Ego, libido, neurosis and Oedipus Complex have become a part of our everyday vocabulary. But do we know what they really mean? "Introducing Freud" successfully demystifies the facts of Freud's discovery of psychoanalysis. Irreverent and witty but never trivial, the book tells the story of Freud's life and ideas from his upbringing in 19th-century Vienna, his early medical career and his encounter with cocaine, to the gradual evolution of his theories on the unconscious, dreams and sexuality. With its combination of brilliantly clever artwork and incisive text, this book has achieved international success as one of the most entertaining and informative introductions to the father of psychoanalysis.

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in the place of the super-ego. They identify themselves with one another in their ego. But suppose the super-ego is handed over to one leader? This produces a very dangerous kind of mass “falling in love”! Which is what happened in Germany in the ’30s! pick up your hat! go on jew! In Berlin, May 1933, the Nazis burn books by Freud and many other great modern thinkers. what progress in the middle ages they would have burned me! Freud was wrong! The Nazis would have gassed and incinerated

vienna?! Freud was still a convinced Mechanist. His first scientific book was on brain-damage which affects language ability, Aphasia (1891), his next Infantile Cerebral Paralysis (1891–93). freud considered electro-therapy useless. but it sometimes worked thanks to the ‘power of suggestion.’ why not maximize suggestion? in other words-hypnotism! A new theory of hypnotism, developed at Nancy, France, challenged Charcot’s views. hypnotism works on normal people too. but can it cure hysteria

female sexuality ref 1, ref 2 femininity ref 1 fetishism ref 1 First World War ref 1, ref 2 Fliess, Wilhelm ref 1, ref 2 free association ref 1 Freud childhood ref 1, ref 2 death ref 1 emigrates ref 1 father dies ref 1 illness ref 1, ref 2 marries ref 1 neurosis ref 1 split from followers ref 1 studies neuropathology ref 1 Freudian slip ref 1 symbols ref 1 Future of an Illusion, The ref 1 group identity ref 1 hallucinations ref 1, ref 2 Hitler, Adolf ref 1 homosexuality ref

Oedipal). 2. Regression (a return) to this early “fixated” level can take place, leading to various forms of adult neuroses. Neurotics are literally in “a fix,” in “a bind.” Anal fixation, for instance, shows up in all sorts of inhibited behaviour. the miser obsession with order uncompleted tasks Consciously the miser obsesses about keeping his money. But unconsciously he is “holding on” to the symbolic value associated with excrement at the childhood anal stage. Obsessive ideas are ones

1 a.m. the hour when my father might appear! reading became impossible…i went to open the door to let him in… returning to the hall…i turned on all the lights… …undressed…and looked at my penis in the mirror. his routine shows two opposed wishes. one to impress father with hard work, the other to defy him by ‘disguised’ masturbation. but my father died 9 years ago! why didn’t he say so before! freud learned something else… i am by nature an atheist…but i developed a belief in the

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