The Role of Religion in Modern Societies (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

The Role of Religion in Modern Societies (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

Language: English

Pages: 348

ISBN: 2:00309273

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Does modernization lead to the decline of religion? This question lies at the centre of a key debate in the sociology of religion. During the past decade American scholars, using primarily American data, have dominated this debate and have made a strong case that the answer to this question is no. Recently, however, a new crop of European scholars, working with new sources of European data, have uncovered evidence that points toward an affirmitive answer.

This volume pays special attention to these trends and developments to provide the reader with a more well-rounded understanding of the many ways in which religion interacts with modernization. Respected scholars such as David Voas, Steve Bruce and Anthony Gill examine modern societies across the world in this splendid book which will interest sociologists, political scientists, historians, and theologians in equal measure.

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(cf. Table 10.2); more important still is the fact that the proportion of those who claim to have previously believed in God but who no longer do so is clearly higher than those who claim not to have previously believed in God but who do so now. In other words, significantly more people lost their faith in God in the last few decades than began to believe. If individual religiosity is measured on the basis of these indicators, and above all if a central belief in God is postulated as the main

Pollack/Gert Pickel). The final chapter offers insight into newer approaches within the sociology of religion (Jörg Stolz, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr) that go beyond the present state of discussion within the field, while in various ways addressing the questions outlined above. Hopefully, readers will appreciate their approaches to the “old” problems and what sorts of new problems may arise from their proposals. The contributions thus aim to enhance reflection on the future challenges the sociology of

whether and how it is affected by modernization. Proponents of the secularization thesis point to the clear inverse relationship between socio-economic development and religious involvement; opponents cite the American exception and the persistent religiosity of societies that are now modernizing. Modernization is a complex phenomenon, being even more difficult to define than religion and secularization. It may help to consider the impact of three separate features of modernization: material,

already existing vocational organizations. That same year the bishop of Clonfert called for reorganization of the medical services and other social services into a social insurance scheme supported, not by the state, but by the contributing members. The report was ignored by the Fianna Fail government, but it did reflect Church thought on the role of the state bureaucracy in the vocational or social sphere during the period. Essentially the Church wanted to deny the state the role of supplanting

seeking entry into that market and using the same argument that Latin American Protestants are. 25.  Clergy need to be credible in order to get people to “buy” their credence goods (described above). As such, they invest a great deal in a trustworthy image (e.g., take vows of poverty, lead outwardly virtuous lives). This trustworthiness can be transferred to different arenas such as endorsing politicians or policies. Politicos cannot get enough TV time with clergy when election time rolls

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