The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga

The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga

Language: English

Pages: 384

ISBN: 0517884313

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Since 1960, more than 1 million people have used this classic guide to tap the incredible power of yoga. The attractive new edition, in a new size, will appeal to a wide audience of contemporary yoga students.

Feeding the Bump: Nutrition and Recipes for Pregnancy

Herbal Goddess: Discover the Amazing Spirit of 12 Healing Herbs with Teas, Potions, Salves, Food, Yoga, and More

Yoga Anatomy

Emotional Yoga: How the Body Can Heal the Mind

Moola Bandha: The Master Key














life.” Asanas work on the internal machinery of the whole body, especially on such key pressure points as the Chinese acupuncture areas. Stimulation of these points increases the flow of nerve energy, or Prana (Sanskrit) or Chi (Chinese). The Asanas also affect the deeper and more subtle parts of the body. The internal organs receive massage and stimulation through the various movements of the Asanas and are toned into functioning more efficiently. As Yoga postures are always practiced with deep

breathing, relaxation, and concentration, the Asanas also help to develop mental control. The mind that is unsteady by nature and constantly agitated by sensory inputs becomes withdrawn and detached from the objects of the senses, freed from distractions, and slowly brought under control (see Chapter 4). Proper breathing connects the body to its battery, the Solar Plexus, where tremendous potential energy is stored. When tapped through specific Yoga breathing techniques (Pranayama), this energy

able to do this, the whole body will be under our control. All diseases of the body can be destroyed from the root by controlling and regulating the prana and it brings the secret knowledge of healing. If our body is strong and healthy with much pranic energy, we will have the natural tendency to produce health and vitality in those who live near us because the pranic energy of our body will be, as it were, conveyed to other bodies just as the water flows from the higher level to the lower. Thus

sudden expulsion of breath follow continuously, one after the other, until a round is completed. In the beginning, a round should have fifteen to twenty expulsions. Beginners are advised to practice three rounds of fifteen expulsions each before practicing pranayama, which is practiced twice each day, morning and evening. Under the guidance of a teacher you can add ten expulsions each week until you reach one hundred twenty expulsions in each round. Between rounds, take a few normal respirations

Sivananda could take kundalini to the highest center, that is, to the ajna chakra situated between the eyebrows, and above it to the brain center, and retain it for a long time. Only a few Yogis can awaken kundalini and take her at will to the anahata chakra or heart center for a short period. Some students of Yoga who often speak of kundalini only stumbled upon that power, and know neither how to take her to the higher centers at will, nor how to retain her in the higher centers. Nowadays we can

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