Real-time Web Application Development using Vert.x 2.0

Real-time Web Application Development using Vert.x 2.0

Language: English

Pages: 122

ISBN: 1782167951

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The real-time web is gaining momentum and this book provides the simplest way to jump on board. A beautifully clear tutorial on Vert.x, it helps you develop a real-time web application from the ground up. Overview Get started with developing applications for the real-time web From concept to deployment, learn the full development workflow of a real-time web application Utilize the Java skills you already have while stepping up to the next level Learn all the major building blocks of the Vert.x platform Follow a hands-on tutorial with a running example In Detail Vert.x is a platform for building highly networked and scalable applications on the Java Virtual Machine. Using just a few powerful building blocks, it provides a powerful framework that scales to a multitude of different usage scenarios. It is one of the few truly polyglot development platforms, providing seamless interoperability between components written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Java, Ruby, Python, and Groovy. Real-time Web Application Development with Vert.x will show you how to get up and running on the powerful Vert.x platform. Using a hands-on example of developing a mind map editor, this book shows you how to build a Vert.x application from the ground up, and on the way introduces all of the major building blocks of Vert.x, such as integrating with a database, polyglot development, and so on. Real-time Web Application Development with Vert.x will guide you step-by-step through building a Vert.x application so that you'll be able to start building one of your own in no time. From initiation to scaling, you'll develop a mind map editor application with real-time collaboration capabilities. As you go through the development process, you'll get to know all the building blocks of Vert.x applications: Verticles, Worker Verticles, the Event Bus, and Modules. You'll also see how Vert.x apps seamlessly reach into client devices by building a client

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changed mind map back into the database. Finally, it should publish an event on that mind map's address, letting everyone know that a change has been occurred. Expand the command handler stub so it looks like this: eventBus.registerHandler('mindMaps.editor.addNode', function(args) { [ 56 ] Chapter 4 eventBus.send('mindMaps.find', {_id: args.mindMapId}, function(res) { if (res.mindMap) { var mindMap = res.mindMap; var parent = findNodeByKey(res.mindMap, args.parentKey); var newNode = {key:

multitude of new categories of devices from smartphones to smart televisions. To build these new kinds of applications, we also need new kind of technology. The web frameworks that powered much of the page-based web aren't necessarily cut out to serve the real-time web. This is where Vert.x comes in. Vert.x has been designed from the ground up to enable you to build scalable, real-time web applications. Real-Time Web Application Development using Vert.x 2.0 will show you how to build a real-time

in a new function named renderVisualization. Add the following contents to it: MindMapEditor.prototype.renderVisualization = function() { var self = this; [ 69 ] Real-time Communication var nodes = MindMapEditor.treeLayout. nodes(this.mindMap).reverse(); nodes.forEach(function(d) { d.y = d.depth * MindMapEditor.levelWidth; }); var node = this.vis.selectAll("g.node") .data(nodes, function(d) { return d.key; }); var nodeEnter = node.enter().append("svg:g") .attr("class", "node") .attr("opacity",

discuss modules and how they help us in organizing and distributing code. [ 76 ] Polyglot Development and Modules Our application is fully functional and people can use it for collaborative mind mapping. However, there is one crucial feature that we're missing: there is no way to get a finished mind map out of the application. It would be useful to have a capability to save mind maps as images, so that they could be sent over e-mail, printed, or uploaded to the websites. This is what we will

heading to the Downloads area at and selecting the latest version. Select a package for your operating system and run the installer. Once it is done, you should have a vagrant command available on the command line as follows: vagrant –v Navigate to the root directory of our project and run the following command: vagrant init precise64 This will generate a file named Vagrantfile in the project folder. It contains configuration for the

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