HTML5 Geolocation

HTML5 Geolocation

Anthony T. Holdener III

Language: English

Pages: 103

ISBN: 1449304729

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Truly revolutionary: now you can write geolocation applications directly in the browser, rather than develop native apps for particular devices. This concise book demonstrates the W3C Geolocation API in action, with code and examples to help you build HTML5 apps using the "write once, deploy everywhere" model. Along the way, you get a crash course in geolocation, browser support, and ways to integrate the API with common geo tools like Google Maps.
* Learn how geo information is gathered from different sources, depending on the device
* Discover how coordinate systems work, including geodetic systems and datums
* Use the API to collect location information from a user’s browser with JavaScript code
* Place geo information on a map using the Google Maps or ArcGIS JavaScript APIs
* Save geo data with databases, the Keyhole Markup Language, or the shapefile format
* Be familiar with several practical uses for geo data, such as geomarketing, geosocial, geotagging, and geo-applications

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follow a policy of only granting access to their personal data to trusted individuals and sites. 46 | Chapter 3: Geolocation API in Code CHAPTER 4 Geolocation and Mapping APIs Chapter 3 introduced us to using the W3C Geolocation API to collect location information from the user’s browser with JavaScript code. Although that is the whole point of this book, it is not extremely useful to collect geolocation information unless you, the developer, are going to do something with it. One effective

more accurate suggestions the more frequently the application is used. As technology improves and the accuracy of a geolocation gets better, applications will rely more on automatic check-ins at locations. Some applications may opt to provide a pop up on the phone to inform the user it is about to check him in at a location, possibly asking for verification. Depending on the purpose of the application, it could Geosocial | 83 simply check the user in at the location without notifying him at

User Input GPS can be used on any modern mobile phones that are GPS-capable as well as on GPS-specific devices. IP Address location usage is also available for any device that is connected to a network or the Internet—desktops, printers, routers, etc. GSM/CDMA Cell IDs are used by cell phone carriers around the world. WiFi and Bluetooth MAC Address location usage is available on devices that use wireless technologies. User Input is available on any device and is software on a device requesting

in the United States, it provides users with the opportunity to earn rewards and special offers simply by walking into the stores. It is not necessary for the user to check in to the store when she enters, either, because Shopkick uses GPS to check the user’s proximity to participating stores and automatically recognizes when she has entered (within a given error radius). Geolocation Today | 15 The location-sharing application market will continue to grow, as the idea of permitting others to

view where you are without having to interact with the application becomes a more comfortable idea. Privacy concerns will be the main hurdle for these types of applications. The market may see more inventive geolocation solutions to these location-based services if consumers can be convinced that applications of this type will be used less for social interaction and more for service-oriented products like Shopkick. Augmented Reality Applications Augmented reality is a combination of a real world

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