Herbal Goddess: Discover the Amazing Spirit of 12 Healing Herbs with Teas, Potions, Salves, Food, Yoga, and More

Herbal Goddess: Discover the Amazing Spirit of 12 Healing Herbs with Teas, Potions, Salves, Food, Yoga, and More

Language: English

Pages: 256

ISBN: 1612124127

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Working with 12 common herbs, Amy Jirsa offers recipes and ideas to open your mind, strengthen your body, and nourish your spirit. In-depth profiles show you how to unlock the powerful properties of calendula, chamomile, cinnamon, dandelion, echinacea, elder, ginger, holy basil, lavender, nettle, rose, and turmeric through delicious teas and foods, luxurious salves, skin and hair care treatments, complementary yoga poses, and meditations. Discover the natural keys to radiant health and wellness.

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up sensitivity and dispelling fear). And, surely, you already know some of the common magical qualities of the rose. A rose invites romance, expresses sympathy, and conveys love and friendship simply with the gift of its presence; the rose signifies the bond between people, from passion to devotion to condolence and commiseration. Either way, roses say more than words ever could; this, my friends, is the definition of true magic. As for magical associations, the gender of the rose is feminine

in the shower, but replace after a month or so if you haven’t used it all. Follow up with an apple cider vinegar rinse or your usual �conditioning regimen. Calendula Salve for Injured and Infected Skin Makes 8 ounces Salves are a wonderful way to carry herbs around with you, since they’re not as messy as oils. Just place a lip-balm-sized tin of calendula salve in your first-aid kit, glove compartment, or purse, and take it with you anywhere. Ingredients 1 cup calendula oil (see Appendix II

skin is an �amazing, absorptive organ. When you pair the two together, you get a formula for good health. The cleansing, detoxifying, and drawing power of clay is unparalleled. There are many varieties of clay. My favorites are French green clay, bentonite clay, and white cosmetic clay, but no matter which clay you choose, all are stellar for cleansing, exfoliating, boosting circulation, and deodorizing. French green clay (also called sea clay) is a powerful drawer of oils and is perfect for

and pour the hot jelly in hot jars. Leave 1⁄8 inch headspace and screw on lids. Cool on a wire rack. Check the lids for a good seal, and store in a dark place for up to 1 year (any jars that don’t seal can be stored in the refrigerator and used within a month). Echinacea Maple Syrup Makes 2 cups Here’s another way to get some stellar immune-boosting power into kids or adults. As a bonus, you’ll also receive all those good-for-you minerals found in real maple syrup. You can drizzle this syrup

flowers, which bees and birds find irresistible. They’re small and creamy white to yellow in color, and the scent itself is uplifting, reminding us (there’s that nostalgia factor again) of the burden-less joy of ideal childhood. So it’s not really all that surprising that the cinnamon flower essence would connect us with that inner child, bringing to the fore that bubbling fountain of extroverted joy and ease and the effortless ability to be thoroughly in the moment. Think about childhood for a

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