Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform

Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform

Language: English

Pages: 225

ISBN: 1680500376

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Google Android dominates the mobile market, and by targeting Android, your apps can run on most of the phones and tablets in the world. This new fourth edition of the #1 book for learning Android covers all modern Android versions from Android 4.1 through Android 5.0. Freshly added material covers new Android features such as Fragments and Google Play Services. Android is a platform you can't afford not to learn, and this book gets you started.

Android is a software toolkit for mobile phones and tablets, created by Google. It's inside more than a billion devices, making Android the number one platform for application developers. Your own app could be running on all those devices!

Getting started developing with Android is easy. You don't even need access to an Android phone, just a computer where you can install the Android SDK and the emulator that comes with it. Within minutes, Hello, Android gets you creating your first working application: Android's version of "Hello, World." From there, you'll build up a more substantial example: an Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe game. By gradually adding features to the game, you'll learn about many aspects of Android programming, such as creating animated user interfaces, playing music and sound effects, building location-based services (including GPS and cell-tower triangulation), and accessing web services. You'll also learn how to publish your applications to the Google Play Store.

This fourth edition of the bestselling Android classic has been revised for Android 4.1-4.3 (Jelly Bean), 4.4 (KitKat), and Android 5.0 (Lollipop). Topics have been streamlined and simplified based on reader feedback, and every page and example has been reviewed and updated for compatibility with the latest versions of Android.

If you'd rather be coding than reading about coding, this book is for you.

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should be placed in different directories depending on the screen density for which they are designed (see Section 3.4, Using Alternate Resources, on page 60). 4.2 Adding Graphics to Sudoku It’s time to apply what we’ve learned to our Sudoku example. When we left it at the end of Chapter 3, the Sudoku game had an opening screen, an About dialog box, and a way to start a new game. But it was missing one very important part: the game! We’ll use the native 2D graphics library to implement that

have to do to implement it: Download Sudokuv4/src/org/example/sudoku/PuzzleView.java Line 1 - import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; 5 - public class PuzzleView private static final private static final private static final private static final extends View { String SELX = "selX" ; String SELY = "selY" ; String VIEW_STATE = "viewState" ; int ID = 42; - public PuzzleView(Context context) { // ... setId(ID); } 10 - @Override protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {

system mounted in there with a root directory and everything. The files are stored on nonvolatile flash memory built into the device, so they are not lost when the phone is turned off. All of the usual Java file I/O routines from the java.io package are available for your program to use, with the caveat that your process has limited permissions so it can’t mess up any other application’s data. In fact, the main thing it can access is a package private directory created at install time

doTranslate(trans, to, from); // swapped translate.setRetranslated(retrans); } /** * Call the Google Translation API to translate a string from one * language to another. For more info on the API see: * http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage */ private String doTranslate(String original, String from, String to) { String result = translate.getResources().getString( R.string.translation_error); HttpURLConnection con = null; Log.d(TAG, "doTranslate(" + original + ", " + from + ", " + to + ")" );

con.setRequestMethod("GET" ); con.addRequestProperty("Referer" , "http://www.pragprog.com/titles/eband3/hello-android" ); con.setDoInput(true); // Start the query con.connect(); // Check if task has been interrupted if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); Report erratum Prepared exclusively for David Larson this copy is (B7.0 printing, June 14, 2010) 162 F AST -F ORWARD >> // Read results from the query BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new

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