Drupal 7 Themes

Drupal 7 Themes

Ric Shreves

Language: English

Pages: 320

ISBN: 1849512760

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Give your Drupal websites an exciting, user-friendly new look using themes. From installing new themes, to customizing them, to building them from scratch, here is the complete guide you've been looking for.


  • Learn to create new Drupal 7 themes
  • No experience of Drupal theming required
  • Discover techniques and tools for creating and modifying themes
  • The first book to guide you through the new elements and themes available in Drupal 7

What you will learn from this book

  • Learn about the Drupal 7 Theming Architecture
  • Find and install new themes
  • Get the most from Drupal's theme configuration system
  • Create a new theme from scratch
  • Master PHPTemplate
  • Modify the default templates and styles
  • Override the default templates with your own
  • Create dynamic styling that responds to the content or the user
  • Discover tools that make theming easier and more efficient


Filled with practical examples, this book helps you to understand the logic behind the theming system employed in Drupal, and how to make it work for you. You will learn key concepts and work through examples with careful, step-by-step instructions.

Who this book is written for

The main requirements to make use of this book are knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a touch of creativity. You don't need to know anything about theming in Drupal; all you need is basic experience of working with Drupal.

Although this book aims to make Drupal theming accessible to designers, theming in Drupal 7 involves writing some PHP code, and a basic knowledge of PHP will be helpful.p>

Regardless of your technical skills, this book will teach you to design themes for your Drupal websites quickly and easily.

In Detail

Drupal is an award winning open source Content Management System (CMS). Based on PHP and MySQL, its power and flexibility combined with its exceptional design mean it is one of the most popular choices for creating a CMS website..

Drupal employs a specialized templating system and supports themes, which allow you to change the look and feel of your system's front and back-end interfaces..

Drupal 7 Themes is an ideal introduction to theming with Drupal 7. If you want to create a striking new look for your Drupal 7 website, this book is for you. This book is a revised, updated and expanded edition of Drupal 6 Themes, rewritten specifically for Drupal 7.

This book will show you techniques and tools to help you improve the look and feel of any Drupal 7-powered website. Starting from the basics of theme setup and configuration, you will learn about the Drupal theming architecture and the PHPTemplate engine, and then move on to modifying existing themes and building new themes from scratch. You will find out about tools to make your theme development easier.

A practical guide showing you how to create themes for your Drupal 7 site

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than simply for skills development) you might wish to consider implementing one or more specialized third-party extensions to handle certain tasks. See Chapter 10, Useful Extensions for Themers for a discussion of useful extensions that aid solving common site building issues. Creating a new sub-theme The steps involved in creating a new sub-theme are detailed as follows, but in a nutshell, it works like this: 1. Make a copy of the theme directory (and its contents). 2. Rename the directory.

Drupal 7. In the past, multiple words contained in a file name were consistently separated with a single hyphen. In Drupal 7, a single hyphen is only used for compound words; a double hyphen is used for targeting a template. For example, page--front.tpl.php uses the double hyphen as it indicates that we are targeting the page template when displayed for the front page. In contrast, maintenance-page.tpl.php shows the single hyphen syntax, as it is a compound name. Remember, suggestions only work

default Drupal distribution includes a number of forms for the frontend user. Some are active at installation, others need to be enabled and configured by the administrator. On the following pages, we go through all of the default forms and provide a quick look at each, highlighting any special concerns unique to each particular form. The User Forms The user forms consist of the Login Forms, the User Registration Form, the Request Password Form, and the User Profile Editing Form. Login Form The

following screenshot: [ 178 ] Chapter 8 Unlike other forms in the core, the field editing capabilities in Drupal 7 are available for the comment form. As a result, the comment fields and the display of the fields can be modified somewhat by using the Comment Fields and Comment Display options available on the Content Types Editing page. Administration Forms The preceding section outlines all of the forms that are generally available for site visitors. There exist, however, an even larger

API. Start with the Form API Quickstart Guide at http://drupal.org/node/751826. Unlike other areas of the system, most forms do not include a selection of default templates. Instead, if you wish to theme a form you are typically left with the choice of overriding themable functions that relate to specific elements or converting the form functions into more easily accessible templates. There are exceptions; the Poll module, for example, includes a dedicated template for the voting form. [ 180 ]

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