Debt of Honor (A Jack Ryan Novel)

Debt of Honor (A Jack Ryan Novel)

Tom Clancy

Language: English

Pages: 1008

ISBN: 0425147584

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Razio Yamata is one of Japan's most influential industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific Rim's economic powerhouse.

He has devised a plan to cripple the American greatness, humble the US military, and elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world stage.

Yamata's motivation lies in his desire to pay off a Debt of Honor to his parents and to the country he feels is responsible for their deaths—America. All he needs is a catalyst to set his plan in motion.

When the faulty gas tank on one Tennessee family's car leads to their fiery death, an opportunistic U. S. congressman uses the occasion to rush a new trade law through the system. The law is designed to squeeze Japan economically. Instead, it provides Yamata with the leverage he needs to put his plan into action.

As Yamata's plan begins to unfold, it becomes clear to the world that someone is launching a fully-integrated operation against the United States. There's only one man to find out who the culprit is—Jack Ryan, the new President's National Security Advisor.

Nature in Translation: Japanese Tourism Encounters the Canadian Rockies

Occupying Power: Sex Workers and Servicemen in Postwar Japan (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian In)

Ninja: 1,000 Years of the Shadow Warrior

A History of Japanese Art From Prehistory to the Taisho Period
















fleet engagement, many times hit, but never severely. The name of an honored enemy, but an enemy. That was the one he'd watch. He had no idea who John Stennis had been. Mutsu had passed well beyond the carriers, almost reaching the trailing plane-guard destroyers before turning, and the overtake now seemed dreadfully slow. The Admiral wore his white gloves, and held his binoculars just below the rail, watching the angle to the carrier change. "Bearing to Target One is three-five-zero. Target

screw, isn’t she?" "I don’t know." "I do. I don’t think we would have gotten this many hits on her with a patrol screw. Let’s plot this out." "Running a plot, already have some of it," another chief reported. The process was largely computer-aided now. Once it had been a real black art. "Posit?" Jones looked up. "Position’s right about here, same as the beacon, almost. Sir," the chief said patiently, making a black mark on the plastic-covered wall chart, "we know where she is, I mean, the

Winston might wish it to be, and understandable as his action surely was to anyone with a feel for the business, it would still become cause for comment. Therefore it was necessary that the man replacing him be willing to put his own money back in. That sort of move would restore any wavering confidence. It would also cement the marriage between the Japanese and American financial systems. While Winston watched, instruments were signed that "enabled" the funds transfer for which

know, when Hill and Stevens built the Great Northern—" Betsy wasn't interested. "Chris, take a look at this." Their visitor looked up from the map. "Oh. The truck? I don't know what color they paint their—" "Not green." Time usually worked in favor of diplomacy, but not in this case, Adler thought as he entered the White House. He knew the way, and had a Secret Service agent to conduct him in case he got lost. The Deputy Secretary of State was surprised to see a reporter in the Oval

moment's contemplation. It never occurred to him to be amazed that the first step over the invisible line that he had himself constructed was as easy as this. "I am honored," Yamata said with a great show of humility. "It is a fortunate man who has such wise and thoughtful friends." "It is you who honor us," one of the bankers insisted politely. "Are we not colleagues? Do we not all serve our country, our people, our culture, with equal devotion? You, Ichiki-san, the temples you've

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