

Stephen W. Sears

Language: English

Pages: 640

ISBN: 039587744X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Sears describes the series of controversial events that define this crucial battle, including General Robert E. Lee's radical decision to divide his small army--a violation of basic military rules--sending Stonewall Jackson on his famous march around the Union army flank. Jackson's death--accidentally shot by one of his own soldiers--is one of the many fascinating stories included in this definitive account of the battle of Chancellorsville.

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hailstones. I no more expected to get out of that place alive than I expected to fly.” Major Hyde had a similar impression. Seeing a Rebel force coming up a ravine on the left, he rushed back to Rigby’s battery to turn its guns in that direction. “I rode into the battery smoke and barely escaped being blown to pieces by one of our own shells.” Coming up to rally his troops, General Neill had his horse killed under him. The 21st New Jersey’s Colonel Gilliam Van Houten was mortally wounded. Then

Robert Garth Scott, p. 154. 12. Edward H. Wade to sister, Jan. 2, 1863, Schoff Collection, Clements Library, University of Michigan; Darius Couch memoir, p. 127, Old Colony Historical Society; Hubert Dilger to Lincoln, Mar. 25, Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress; M. Bain Folwell to mother, Jan. 24, Minnesota Historical Society; Henry Ropes to father, Jan. 5, Boston Public Library. 13. James A. Huston, “Logistical Support of Federal Armies in the Field,” Civil War History, 7:1 (Mar. 1961), p.

reported the speed limit on the R.F. & P. reduced to ten miles an hour (McLaws to wife, Apr. 11, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina). 7. Lee to Agnes Lee, Feb. 6, 1863, Lee to wife, Feb. 23, Lee, Wartime Papers, pp. 400, 407–8. 8. Lee general order, Dec. 24, 1862, OR, 21, p. 1077; Pendleton to Lee, Feb. 11, 1863, Lee to Pendleton, Apr. 6, OR, 25:2, pp. 618, 709; Frank M. Coker to wife, Mar. 18, Heidler Collection, Hargrett Library, University of Georgia; John Hampden

B.M.I., National Archives; Lee to W. E. Jones, Apr. 14, OR, 25:2, p. 721. Butterfield’s ruse is detailed by its discoverer, Edwin C. Fishel, in The Secret War for the Union, Ch. 15. 17. Hooker directives, Apr. 12, 1863, Hooker circulars, Apr. 13, 14, OR, 25:2, pp. 202, 203–4, 211; James T. Miller to father, Apr. 16, Schoff Collection, Clements Library, University of Michigan; Henry F. Young to wife, Apr. 11, State Historical Society of Wisconsin; Rufus Ingalls to postmaster, Apr. 14, S. Williams

engineers immediately set to work laying their bridges, and by 9:45 A.M. all three were down. Despite General Benham’s antics—and thanks to the providential fog—the Sixth Corps had its bridgehead at the cost of just one man killed and ten wounded. These eleven Pennsylvanians would be counted as the first casualties of the Battle of Chancellorsville.22 Downstream at Fitzhugh’s Crossing, Benham’s plan for Reynolds’s First Corps to cross before first light had also fallen apart before it started.

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