Yoga Nidra/2009 Re-print

Yoga Nidra/2009 Re-print

Language: English

Pages: 261

ISBN: 8185787123

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.

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the spiritual force. In o th e r scientific terminology they are referred to as the sympathetic, parasym pathetic and central nervous systems. T h ro ug h ou t our lives, ida and pingala nadis are continu­ ally feeding the brain with the necessary stimuli which enable it to cognize an object, a sound, an idea. If you close off ida and pingala by means o f pratyahara, then the brain is isolated. T h at is hypnosis. But if, at the same time, you can awaken sushum na (which is closed in most

ind from the condition of psychic sleep to the waking state. 73 General Suggestions oga nidra can be practised in a yoga class or at home. It should be perform ed in a quiet, closed room that has a comfortable tem perature and is free o f insects. Privacy is essential, and all sudden interruptions must be avoided. Yoga nidra should be practised in semi-darkness, not in total darkness or in bright light. Darkness and light have a powerful effect on the brain. In total darkness the m ind tends

ten minutes. This Y 74 will help them to relax and make the transition between work a n d hom e with greater ease. Yoga nidra should be practised on an em pty stomach. Allow at least three hours for digestion o f a heavy meal and half an h o u r for the settling o f light refreshm ents. In yoga nidra the in n er body tem perature drops very fast and the production o f digestive enzymes is greatly reduced. T hose people who have a hyperacid constitution can safely take a little tea, coffee,

vishuddhi, ajna, bindu, sahasrara; bindu, ajna, vishuddhi, anahata, m anipura, swadhisthana, m ooladhara. Finish: Now, to com plete the practice, become aware o f the whole body. T hink that, ‘I am practising yoga nidra.’ Visualize your whole body and everybody in this room. Become aware of the external environment. Become aware o f yourself. Say to yourself, ‘I am practising yoga nidra. Everybody around m e is practising yoga nidra. I am visualizing my body a n d everybody here.’ Next, repeat

are in the process o f transition, manifestation and storage. T he third layer o f samskaras is in the process o f maturity and fructification at the conscious level. In the doctrine o f karma these three levels are known as current karma, accumulated karma and destiny. Karm ic ex p erien ces During the practice of yoga nidra your consciousness travels through one layer o f consciousness to another, according to its possibility and capacity. Sometimes it goes very deep, then you have m ore

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