Yoga All-In-One For Dummies

Yoga All-In-One For Dummies

Language: English

Pages: 538


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Everything you need to make yoga an integral part of your health and well-being

If you want to incorporate yoga into your daily routine or ramp up what you're already doing, Yoga All-In-One For Dummies is the perfect resource! This complete compendium of six separate titles features everything you need to improve your health and peace of mind with yoga, and includes additional information on, stretching, meditation, adding weights to your yoga workouts, and power yoga moves.

Yoga has been shown to have numerous health benefits, ranging from better flexibility and athletic performance to lowered blood pressure and weight loss. For those who want to take control of their health and overall fitness, yoga is the perfect practice. With Yoga All-In-One For Dummies, you'll have everything you need to get started and become a master of even the toughest yoga poses and techniques.

  • Find out how to incorporate yoga to foster health, happiness, and peace of mind
  • Get a complete resource, featuring information from six titles that are packed with tips
  • Use companion workout videos to help you master various yoga poses and techniques that are covered in the book
  • Utilize tips in the book to increase balance, range of motion, flexibility, strength, and overall fitness

Take a deep breath and dive into Yoga All-In-One For Dummies to find out how you can improve your health and your happiness by incorporating yoga into your daily routine.

Yoga RX: A Step-by-Step Program to Promote Health, Wellness, and Healing for Common Ailments

Creative Yoga for Children: Inspiring the Whole Child through Yoga, Songs, Literature, and Games

Everyday Calm: Relaxing Rituals for Busy People

Yoga: Bending Mind and Body (Philosophy for Everyone)
















how am I going to make enough money, orchestrate a great vacation, impress my lover, amuse my kids? — and subsequently lost in a reverie filled with hope and fear. The next moment, you may be obsessed with the past — why didn’t I tell the truth, take that job, accept that proposal? — and you’re overcome with regret and self-recrimination. And like the woman in the story, you may have noticed, much to your chagrin, that you have remarkably little control over the worrying, fantasizing, and

feelings like love, joy, happiness, and bliss (which incidentally originate at the bottom of the lake in pure being). At deeper levels of concentration, you may experience total absorption in the object — a state known as samadhi. When this power of focused concentration is directed like a laser beam to everyday activities, you can enter what psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow — a state of supreme enjoyment in which time stops, self-consciousness drops away, and you become one with

sport, working in the garden, making love. Athletes call it “the zone.” Through meditation, you can discover how to give the same focused attention to — and derive the same enjoyment from — every activity. Feeling more centered, grounded, and balanced To counter the escalating insecurity of life in rapidly changing times, meditation offers an inner groundedness and balance that external circumstances can’t destroy. When you practice coming home again and again — to your body, your breath, your

section). As you exhale, bend forward from your hips; soften your knees and hang your arms. Bend your knees and, as you inhale, raise your torso and arms up from the front so that they’re parallel to the floor, as in Figure 3-3 . If you have any back problems, keep your arms back by your sides; then, over a period of time, gradually stretch them out to the sides like a T and eventually in front of you so they’re parallel to the floor. Bring your head to a neutral position so that your ears

strengthen the abdomen, especially the lower abdomen. In addition to a floor exercise, you can do push-downs in a seated position by pushing your lower back against the back of your chair. You can perform this exercise sitting in a car, on a plane, or at the office. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, at hip width. Rest your arms near your sides, palms down. As you exhale, push your lower back down to the floor for 3 to 5 seconds (see Figure 5-1 ). As you

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