War on the Mississippi : Grant's Vicksburg Campaign

War on the Mississippi : Grant's Vicksburg Campaign

Time-Life Books

Language: English

Pages: 184


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Time-Life Civil War Series 2 of 27

This volume looks at the 1862-1863 Mississippi campaign, an operation designed to take the fortress-city of Vicksburg, the lynchpin between the bulk of the Confederacy and its far eastern states. Union General Ulysses S. Grant, who had made a name for himself over the previous year, launched several attempts to bypass Vicksburg in order to link up with General Butler's forces, which were moving upriver from New Orleans. None of these worked, but they served to keep the Federal troops engaged in operations rather than inactive in winter quarters. Grant would come up with a strategy which would allow him to outmanuever the Confederates, place Vicksburg under seige and capture it, marking the beginning of the end for the CSA. Discusses the Battles of Chickasaw Bluffs, Champion's Hill, Raymond, Port Gibson, Grand Gulf and Big Black, as well as Grierson's Raid.

Richly illustrated with maps, photos of artifacts, contemporary photos and artwork. Includes sidebars on the Pearl River POW "camp," a photo essay of prewar Vicksburg, a series of antebellum paintings of the Mississippi River, A Gallery of Western Cavalrymen, Port Hudson and the Union's Homespun Hero. An excellent book!

Memoirs (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)

The Library of Congress Illustrated Timeline of the Civil War

The American Civil War and Reconstruction: 1850 to 1890

Seven Days Battles 1862: Lee's Defense of Richmond

Forward to Richmond : McClellan's peninsular campaign

Sherman's March


















out of the timber. As soon as they were ready they started at us with a stop firm, slow, steady step. In my campaigning I had never seen anything so hard that slow, steady tramp. Not heard, but they looked as if a to stand as sound was they intended walk right over us." Brigadier General David S. Stanley, whose division now held to the Federal center, wrote, spare me to see many battles, "Should God I never expect more grand sight." As the Confederates advanced. Captain

But there they were cut off and their colonel Robinett were presented with a gruesome that one could scarcely step without stepping a battery. Soldiers of the 20th Arkansas fought their battle dissipated, the defenders of Battery sight. As one Federal wrote, "The ground was covered so thickly with gray coated men W. line, : lost ground, was over. Van Dorn's attack had failed disastrously, and his army was in full retreat to the northwest, back up the railroad line. As Rosecrans

The Bayou Experiments A amount of surreptitious cotton was winked at by officials on both sides. But Federal field commanders were being driven to distraction by Northern impediment to the army's movement. Something had to be done. Grant called in Chaplain John Eaton of the traffic 27th Ohio Infantry and put him in charge of the freedmen. Eaton was an energetic young man in his early thirties who had speculators certain A bitter Sherman later labeled the ambitious McCIernand "the meanest

Official Records of the War Union and Confederate Navies of the Rebellion. U.S. Government Printing m the Office, 1912. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1902. Walker, Peter F. Vicksburg: A People at War, 1860-1865. The United States University of North Carolina Press, 1960. Warner, Ezra 1981. Generals in Gray. Louisiana State University Press, 1959. Willard, ed..

worse!" he exclaimed after the shooting ended. to Secretary He reported the episode Welles "with deep mortifica- tion." Welles thought the mortification well- merited. his diary, affair The Arkansas attack, he wrote in was "the most disreputable naval of the war." ram Queen of the West, against the Arkansas. Commander Porter went on board the Essex to lead the attack. As the Federal ships opened fire. Brown executed a shrewd maneuver. He swung his vessel away from the bank, prow out,

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