The Story of Greece (Yesterday's Classics)

The Story of Greece (Yesterday's Classics)

Language: English

Pages: 524

ISBN: 1599150336

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Stories from the history of ancient Greece beginning with mythical and legendary stories of gods and heroes and ending with the conquests of Alexander the Great. Gives short accounts of battles and sieges, and of the men who made Greece a great nation. Suitable for ages 10 and up.

A Companion to Greek Rhetoric (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World)

The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece (The Princeton History of the Ancient World Series)

The Poetry of Sappho

The Persians and Other Plays

Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy

Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture (2nd Edition)



















been used to spend the summer months. Shortly afterwards he met his whole army at Opis, not far from Babylon, and discharged many of the Macedonian veterans who were no longer fit to fight because of old age or because of the wounds from which they had suffered. The king promised to provide for these old warriors for the rest of their lives. He expected them to welcome their dismissal and their reward. But the Macedonians had been growing more and more jealous of the favours Alexander had been

city was weak, scarcely able to hold her own against the neighbouring tribes, and much less able to add to her dominion. She was indeed hardly able to keep order within her own borders. Sparta was ruled not by one king but by two, and so you might perhaps think that she would be governed better than any other city or state, but this was not so. The first kings were twin brothers, for an oracle had bidden the Spartans "to take both as kings, but to give greater honour to the elder." Instead

man—whose one parent was a god while the other was a mortal. So the god Zeus was the father of Perseus, the hero of whom I am going to tell, while his mother was a beautiful princess named Danae. From morning to night, from night till morning, Acrisius, the father of Danae, was never happy. Yet he was a king. A king and unhappy? Yes, this king was unhappy because he was afraid that some day, as an oracle had foretold, he would be slain by his grandson. The ancient Greeks often sent to

made an alliance with the Argives. When the Spartans reached their own country they told how they had been deceived by Alcibiades, and how rudely they had been treated by the assembly. And this, as well as the alliance which the Athenians had made with the Argives, was the cause of the second part of the Peloponnesian War. The Spartans were thirsting to avenge the battle of Sphacteria, and to wipe out the memory of their surrender. When they met the Athenians in 418 B.C. at Mantinea they

heard this, that they sent a terrible monster to the island, which laid it waste, and made it dark and desolate as Perseus had seen. The island folk sent to one of their temples to ask what they could do to free their island from the presence of the sea-serpent. "This monster has been sent to punish Cassiopeia for her vain boast," was the answer. "Bid her sacrifice her daughter Andromeda to the sea-serpent, then will the nymphs remove the curse from your homes." Andromeda was fair and good,

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