The Shaolin Workout: 28 Days to Transforming Your Body and Soul the Warrior's Way

The Shaolin Workout: 28 Days to Transforming Your Body and Soul the Warrior's Way

Shi Yan Ming

Language: English

Pages: 142

ISBN: 1594864004

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In his loft in New york City's Greenwich Village, Sifu Shi Yan Ming trains men and women of all ages, body types and backgrounds in the fundamentals of kung fu. A 34th generation Shaolin Warrior monk from China's Shaolin Temple--the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and the mecca of all martial arts--Yan Ming teaches the students at his USA Shaolin Temple that there is no better workout program than his brand of kung fu for getting the body and mind into warrior condition.

Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of four-color photographs, the warrior workout, distills a lifetime of Shaolin training and wisdom into a 28-day workout. The Shaolin Workout is a complete-unto-itself program of both fitness and spiritual lessons can be applied to every aspect of one's life: work, relationships, family.

Kung fu gives a superb aerobic workout at the same time that it dramatically increases flexibility, power, and speed. The ultimate promise of the book is this: those who stick to the plan for 28 days--for as little as 15 minutes a day--will be transformed inside and out. And the enormous sense of accomplishment that results will radiate through your life, allowing you to tackle the world with a warrior's confidence, calm, and poise.

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The Shaolin Workout shows you more than a way of training. It introduces you to the warrior’s way of life. The second you picked this book up and started to read these words, you began to transform yourself. The monks of Shaolin Temple have been teaching students Chan Quan for 15 centuries. The Shaolin Workout draws on this rich heritage of teaching experience. In this book, Sifu has distilled the fundamentals of kung fu into an introductory course of 28 sessions, which incorporate daily lessons

your lower back and hamstrings will bless you for it. CROSSED SEATED STRETCHES Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your right leg fully on top of the left, right foot on left thigh in the half lotus position. Your back should be straight and fully extended. Lean forward over your legs, without letting your back curl. Keep leaning until you can slide the palms of your hands across the ground and kiss the ground. Don’t hunker or hunch. Keep your back fully extended and arched as you fold

Punch! Retract! Punch! Retract! Punch! Retract! Awesome! Keep practicing these two strikes, palms and fists, until they’re instinctive and you can do them with real speed and power. They’re integral to much of what you’re going to be learning in the coming sessions. Meditation My body is a gift from my parents and from Buddha. I was given it to use. I will not waste this precious gift. Our bodies are gifts from our parents and from Buddha, and we were given them to use. If you don’t use your

practicing, you should fully extend your body when you strike, with your chest forward, your back straight, your head and chin up. Don’t lean over your left leg—extend your upper body toward the sky. Your right leg should be extended straight behind you, knee locked, right foot firmly planted on the ground and pointed as close to parallel with your other foot as you comfortably can. Remember also to close your groin when you strike. Practice this move until your body understands it. Pivot, raise

thing, which is the culture of the job. I’m hooked.” She smiles. “I come here to train 6 days a week.” Heng Li is in his early twenties. After just a few months of training, his friends could see definite changes in him. He laughs, recalling one friend who asked him, “‘Why are you walking that way? You walk like you own the city.’ I realized I was walking like Sifu does—you stand up straight and face the world. It affects your whole attitude about yourself and life.” Shi Heng Xu had just moved

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