The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness

The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness

Douglas J. Lisle

Language: English

Pages: 225

ISBN: 1570671974

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The authors offer unique insights into the factors that make us susceptible to dietary and lifestyle excesses, and present ways to restore the biological processes designed by nature to keep us running at maximum efficiency and vitality.

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motivated to stop the behavior as soon as possible; and (3) We take corrective action that is helpful in minimizing the damage to the body, using pain as a guide (such as protecting the blistered flesh from further aggravation). These three steps are instinctive. Pain-avoidance reactions are as natural as breathing, and all complex creatures use this three-step sequence quite automatically. It is important to note the fundamental life-enhancing value of this sequence: While the conscious goal

sound communicate a narrowly defined message. Two people, in contrast, can discuss threats that may or may not happen, with no specific stimulus eliciting the communication, and hold the discussion in any number of languages. This allows for the communication of an extraordinary array and amount of information. Linguistic abilities gave our ancestors a decided advantage over lesser-endowed competitors. An accumulation of know-how that took one person a lifetime to learn could be passed on to

are also confident that at least one nineteenth-century Scottish physician would have had no trouble grasping this counterintuitive principle of health. In fact, he probably would have begun his explanation with his favorite prelude. After all, once seen from the proper perspective, the importance of eliminating dietary excesses is "Elementary, my dear Watson…" * * * DR. CALDWELL ESSELSTYN, JR. Most physicians reassure their patients that "everything in moderation" is acceptable. Not

more exempt from the Law of Satiation than we are exempt from the Law of Gravity. But just as it appears that we can defy gravity with airplanes and rocket ships, it can sometimes appear that the Law of Satiation has been suspended. In their frustration, many overweight people come to believe that they must consciously override their hunger drive and eat less than they desire if they are ever to achieve an optimal weight. This seems reasonable, since by eating to satiation, they appear unable to

work without the benefit of caffeine or nicotine. This truth is all around us, if we make the effort to observe. Not Getting Enough Animals in nature almost never fail to meet their daily sleep requirements. In rare instances, an emergency may disrupt a creature's normal sleep pattern. The resultant sleep deficiency is paid back as soon as is practical, often within a few hours in the form of a nap or by sleeping longer the very next night. The brain will record any deficiency as "sleep debt"

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