Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order

Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order

Malachi Martin

Language: English

Pages: 736

ISBN: 0671747231

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Only Malachi Martin, consummate Vatican insider and intelligence expert, could reveal the untold story behind the Vatican's role in today's winner-take-all race against time to establish, maintain, and control the first one-world government.
* Will America lead the way to the new world order?
* Is Pope John Paul II winning the battle for faith?
* Is the breakup of the Soviet empire masking Gorbachev's worldwide agenda?
The Keys of This Blood is a book of stunning geopolitical revelations. It presents a compelling array of daring blueprints for global power, and one of them is the portrait of the future.

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to groups much larger in their membership and far more extensive in their geographical reach. Despite all their differences, however, one prime characteristic is shared by all the groups in this first category, which impels the Pope to compare, contrast and assess them in similar terms. Because each of them is certain that its system of ideas, as it stands, is the basis upon which the new world order must be arranged, each is just as certain that the world will beat a path to its door. Each of

as Churchman and as geopolitician. In their quite evident globalism one cannot detect even the basic lines of geopolitical thought. Placing their central hopes for victory in the arrival of some particular “day of the Lord” and lacking any lived experience of geopolitical action, they are globalist in outlook but do not enter the georeligious contention. Their interest for John Paul lies in the element of opposition to him that they present. That opposition among the non-Christian Minimalists is

Just how far the General Agreement would go in making such irregular activities unnecessary for the Soviets became a fascinating subject of discussion among some in the Vatican. According to Dr. Stephen D. Bryen, who headed the Pentagon’s security program for the Reagan administration, in 1988 over half the technology that makes the weapons systems of the Soviet Union possible already came from the West. And the United States Department of Defense has stated on the basis of actual figures that

impoverished in knowledge and blindsided by lies. For all that, however, he made no mistake about the ardor of their convictions. In the circumstances, perhaps the third lesson the Primate had in store for them was in fact the first and most practical one the government members would have to deal with. For it concerned the fact that Wyszynski was not the weak-bodied sort of cleric the Soviets had found elsewhere. He would not scurry for cover in his scarlet robes. He would stand in. the open,

have their picture taken with the Holy Father and kiss his ring. A very few—usually important people in their own right, the kind who lived in a “there” somewhere else—might actually meet deep in the mysterious recesses of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace for a conversation with the Pope. The ancient ecclesiastical reason for this most Catholic attitude had always seemed simple and clear and willingly accepted. It was true that, as a point of sacred physical origin, the mother church of all

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