The Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty Python Songbook

The Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty Python Songbook

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Language: English

Pages: 100

ISBN: 2:00200773

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

From "The Lumberjack Song" to "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," the Songbook collects the cream of the Python team's musical output, from the four TV series and the various feature films. Includes the original songs from The Holy Grail, basis for the musical Spamalot. Arranged with music for the piano and accompanied by Terry Gilliam's incomparable cartoons.

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know I'm still around. Hope ya enjoy this book as much as me, Elvis Aaron Presley ds 137 O LOR aausarc: a-A hacor IF. -2- I! - 3, d sz bacor bacor I I - , ausage and svam and a L , egg, spam, spam, "aeon r Span, e g g ant P sm, sp-, -,?am, red beans, spam I I I 3 spam or L O ~ S T ; ~~ e r m ~ a oaux r crevezces 9 ,is& i e d egg OM A t a PASSIONTIDE 137 Traditional Irish Melody H a r m o n y b y Erik C o n s t r i c t o r I 166-72 O LORD

you were here. Henry K i s s i n g e r How I ' m m i s s i n g yer You're s o c h u b b y a n d s o neat W i t h y o u r f u n n y c l o t h e s a n d y o u r s q u i s h y nose You're l i k e a German parakeet A l l r i g h t s o p e o p l e say t h a t y o u d o n ' t c a r e But you've got nicer legs than Hitler A n d b i g g e r t i t s t h a n Cher Henry K i s s i n g e r How I ' m m i s s i n g yer A n d w i s h i n g y o u were here The Background to History ( from the hit Broadway

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Don't fricassee o r roast us, O r b o i l u s i n a vat. A n d please don't stick thy servants, Lord, In a Rotissomat. 2* Latin, VENANTIUS FORTUNATUS 530-609 Tr W. CHATTERTON DIX 1837-98 and others L ~ IIQ P YJOM I I 146!u lie dai b (6 I d I 1 bin ist 'Jch (Znbplime) ein Ifjolj-fil-ler unb ein Ifjol?-fil -1er unb hack am plag. (&horus) Cr I A\ V d I I d d geh auf geht auf bas bas i I d MI Cr fa1 - le Piu-me, ich fillt bte @au-me, e r (6 I I Pm Pm I J %ek - s e

Meaning of Life-c'est le sens de la vie - this Is the Meaning of Life. Ls ~~~<~ SONG Whenever life gets you down, Mrs Brown, and things seem hard or tough, and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, and you feel that you've had quite enough Just re - mem-ber that you're stan-ding vo-lving at nine hun-dred miles an se-cond, so it's rec-koned, sun and you and me w mil - lion miles a thou-sand miles an hour, A day, Of the It's 100,000 light years side to side, It bulges in

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