Structural Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the Individual

Structural Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the Individual

Mukunda Stiles

Language: English

Pages: 360

ISBN: 1578631777

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Structural Yoga Therapy has been written for teachers and serious practitioners who want to use yoga to bring complete balance to the body. Mukunda Stiles begins by providing a comprehensive overview of the spiritual philosophy of yoga, and its many branches. He discusses everything that a beginning student needs to consider when choosing a practice, including how to find a yoga teacher. He also shares his solid understanding of anatomy and kinesiology (how specific muscles and bones react during movement) so that you can understand how each asana affects your body. Structural Yoga Therapy "TM" involves a series of 24 asanas. You'll learn "body-reading" to determine what your posture reveals about muscular imbalances. You'll find out about joint mobility and muscle strength and learn how to work with a series of joint-freeing exercises to strengthen muscles. Once you are fully acquainted with your individual needs, Stiles teaches you how to synthesize a personalized program from the 24 Structural Yoga asanas to optimize health and healing. This valuable textbook is also useful for anyone working in physical therapy, myofascial release techniques, or other forms of massage.

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me. I feel more present for other people. I have more patience, and ultimately go to sleep easily after my brief nightly reading. When I awaken it is often just a few minutes prior to the alarm and I get out of bed calmly and turn it off. On days after I have missed my evening relaxation session, I leap from my bed in a tense panic to turn off the alarm. On those off days, I tend not to sleep soundly and may even have nightmares. I begin my day with prayers, followed by a shower. I cook my

I encouraged him to pull the shoulders back and down to engage the weakened trapezius and latissimus muscles. I kept this up until he began to show signs of fatigue and could no longer do the poses. Because of his size and physical development, I had him exert more than I would an average yoga student. This is a strategy not only to rapidly develop muscle strength, but also to reinforce neurological reflexes to gain better posture. The third posture I gave him was the Spinal Twist

suppleness may be a factor in extending lifespan. My favorite Hatha Yoga teacher is Indra Devi. She is known as the Mother of Yoga in the Americas, as she was the first woman teacher in the Western Hemisphere. She is a foremost student, in fact, the first woman student, of the master teacher Prof Krishnamacharya. Indra Devi, born in Latvian Russia in 1899, is a great example of vitality and longevity. I was recently in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to celebrate her 100th birthday with 3000 of her

The pectoralis major and anterior deltoid were covered in shoulder adduction. The latissimus dorsi and the teres major were covered with shoulder extension. Movements include putting on your coat, putting your hands on your heart, or attaching your bra behind your back. 15. SHOULDER FLEXION Normal range of motion is 180 degrees. Full range is achieved when the arm is in a straight line with the torso and directly adjacent to the ear. The prime movers to this position are the anterior deltoid,

tension. Oddly, this is often accompanied by a weakness in the adjacent muscles, the deltoids. If this pattern is felt, pull your shoulders down and back, then lift your arms to a line parallel with the floor. Repeat the motion to develop stamina and take the effort from the sides of your neck to the tops of your shoulders. PREPARATION FOR Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) and Warrior II (Virabhadrasana). SHOULDER FLEXORS (MIDDLE DELTOID) 15a. From the Hero Pose, move your arms straight

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