Seven Days Battles 1862: Lee’s defense of Richmond (Campaign, Volume 133)

Seven Days Battles 1862: Lee’s defense of Richmond (Campaign, Volume 133)

Angus Konstam

Language: English

Pages: 99

ISBN: 2:00325883

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Osprey's examination of the short yet crucial campaign of the American Civil War (1861-1865). When General Robert E. Lee took command of the Army of Northern Virginia, the Confederacy was in crisis. Lee changed all that in a brilliant, week-long campaign. On 26 June the Confederates struck, fighting two hard-fought battles in two days at Mechanicsville and Gaine's Mill. The ferocity of the Confederate assaults convinced McClellan that he was outnumbered. Unable to keep the Confederates at bay, the Union army was recalled to Washington. Despite losing a quarter of his men, Lee had saved Richmond, and inflicted a humiliating defeat on the Army of the Potomac.

All credit to original uploader/ripper/poster

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Seymour's 3rd Brigade of Brigadier General McCall's 3rd Division, part of V Corps. Behind them, on the crest of the hill the main line of defense ran along the crest of the bluff (3), extending from a point a half-mile north of the ford where the Old Church Road crossed Beaver Dam Creek. It ended a half-mile south of this scene, a quarter of a mile south of Ellerson's Mill. In the portion of the Union line shown in this view, the main line was held by the 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers, part of

Johnson • Consultant editor David G Chandler First published in Great Britain in 2004 by Osprey Publishing, Elms Court, Chapel Way, Botley, Oxford OX2 9Lp, United Kingdom. Email: © 2004 Osprey Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Artist's note Readers may care to note that the original paintings from which the color plates in this

and metJackson riding east. Lee spoke: ''Ah, General, I am very glad to see you. I had hoped to have been with you before." Lee ordered Jackson to send Ewell into the attack. The first of Ewell's brigades to reach the battlefield was the Louisiana formation of Isaac Seymour. It advanced toward the area where Gregg's Brigade had crossed, then hurled itself across the Creek, spearheaded by the Louisiana Tigers. The attack was checked by intense fire, and when Seymour fell the Louisiana troops began

(Stratford Archive) 49 THE CHARGE OF THE 4TH TEXAS AT GAINE'S MILL, 27 JUNE 1862 (pages 50-51) 52 surged forward, and drove back the Union line that secured Porter's right flank (3). This meant that the Union batteries For much of the day on 27 June, the Union defenders on and regiments lining the crest of the bluff on Turkey Hill Turkey Hill had things their own way. However, the arrival of were unsupported, and although the troops had successfully Jackson and Whiting gave Lee the

firefight developed, during which the Georgian brigades of George T. Anderson and Robert Toombs suffered heavy losses, forcing them to withdraw. This was the only threat posed to McClellan's army during the entire day, but it helped reinforce his notion that the Confederates were about to launch a large-scale attack from the west. McClellan's supply wagons approach White Oak Swamp, 28 June. This detail of a contemporary lithograph captures something of the scale of the logistical operation,

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