PHP 6 Fast & Easy Web Development

PHP 6 Fast & Easy Web Development

Matt Telles, Julie Meloni

Language: English

Pages: 593


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Learn to create Web pages quickly and easily with PHP--no prior programming experience required! PHP 6 Fast & Easy Web Development provides a step-by-step, learn-by-example path to learning through easy-to-understand language and illustrations. Unlike the verbose text-only chapters found in most programming books, the Fast & Easy Web Development style appeals to users who are new to PHP, or to programming in general. The first three chapters are dedicated to getting Apache, MySQL, and PHP up and running on your Windows or Linux machine. You'll be surprised at how simple it is, and how quickly you'll be working. From there, you'll learn how to create multi-part scripts, display dynamic content, work with MySQL databases, restrict access to certain pages of your site using PHP, create contact management systems, and work with XML. After completing this book, you will have a strong foundation in the basics of Web-based technologies and application design, and will be prepared to learn more advanced topics and programming methods.

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not parse as PHP, only text. So keep an eye on your extension! 44 CHAPTER 3: INSTALLING PHP Figure 3.3 The phpinfo script. 3. Open your Web browser and type phpinfo.php. See Figure 3.3. SERVER NAMES If you used a different server name when you installed Apache, substitute it here and throughout the book. The output of the phpinfo.php script should be a long page full of system and environment information. This information is very helpful when you’re trying to figure out

programmer. Please study the following list of superglobals, because they will be used extensively throughout this book. Each of these superglobals is actually an array of other variables. Don’t worry about fully understanding this concept now, because it will be explained as you move along through the book. • • • • • • $_GET contains any variables provided to a script through the GET method. $_POST contains any variables provided to a script through the POST method. $_COOKIE contains any

following HTML: 128 CHAPTER 8: SENDING E-MAIL All-In-One Feedback Form 3. Start a PHP block and then create a variable called $form_block, which will hold the entire form. Start with the form action and assume that the method is POST and the action is $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]: REMEMBER TO ESCAPE! Because you’re putting a long string inside a variable, chances are good that you’ll

deleting files. Deleting Files Be very careful when using the unlink() function because once you’ve deleted a file, it’s gone for good. 1. Open a new file in your text editor and start a PHP block:

instance, the MIME type of a JPEG file is image/jpg, and the MIME type of a Microsoft Word document is application/msword. The goal of this script is to take the uploaded file and copy it to the document root of the Web server and return a confirmation to the user containing values for all the variables in the preceding list. 1. Open a new file in your text editor and start a PHP block:

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