Painted Fans of Japan: 15 Noh Drama Masterpieces

Painted Fans of Japan: 15 Noh Drama Masterpieces

Language: English

Pages: 42

ISBN: 0804804680

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Book by Reiko Chiba

Paint Lab: 52 Exercises Inspired by Artists, Materials, Time, Place, and Method (Lab Series)

Artist's Guide to Mixing Colours: How to Get the Most from Your Palette

Landscape Painting Inside & Out

Seeing with a Painter's Eye
















combination of dance, music, a n d d r a m a . O v e r the years, however, it has heen almost exclusively a n aristocratic a r t form, a plaything of elegant n o b l e s l anguage all tut incomprehensible. C o m m o n e r s were forhidden in m a n j 7 periods either to attend or to create their own performances. The plays were given in specially con- structed theaters, and actors were awarded a special samurai rank to enable them to perform. Every effort was made to preserve intact the

enjoyment of the typically Japanese scenes and subjects. It is also the author's hope that this brief introduction to the fans of the Noh drama will inspire her readers to further explorations in the areas of Japanese artistic genius that can merely he suggested hy this small book : the worlds of the theater, of painting, of poetry, and of the handicraft arts 9 10 The pheasant— She Pt as indeed A handsome lover. Taig* [ t r a n s l a t e d hy Bliythe P e r i o d : middle Tokugawa Type of

Title of play, : The Autumn Cricket Type or play. : insanity play. or revenge Character using ran : man 18 19 20 In the intervals O r rough wind ana rain The first cherry, hlossoms. Chora [.translated by Blythe Period : middle Tokugawa Type of play : woman play Character using fan : young woman 21 Tke sun set on tne swamp with orange glare; A ball of gnats revolving in tne air. Ho-o [translatea by S t e w a r t ] Period : middle Tokugawa Title or play : Crane ana Tortoise Type of

woman play 26 27 28 Since there's n o rice for poets on the dole, Let's do a flower arrangement in the Lowl! Basho [.translated by Stewart] Period : middle Tokugawa Title df play : The Robe of Feathers Type of play : woman play Character using fan : woman 29 Not wholly dark nor bright But softly glimmenn On, beautiful beyond compare T i e misty moon or a nignt in spring. Chisto [translated by Miyamor] Period : late Tokugawa Type of play : woman play Character using tan : woman 30

Westerners 5 an implement with which to create a cooling breeze tor oneself. In Japan, however, fans nave even been used in battle, both as offensive and defensive weapons. Special fans nave been invented to quicken the kitchen charcoal burner. There are fans for each of several types of dancing. Fans have been designed to be dipped in water for an additional cooling effect. The singer who accompanies a dancer or chants the lyrics of a dance-drama has his own type of fan. Fans may.

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