Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 Quickstart Cookbook

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 Quickstart Cookbook

Jose Luis Latorre Millas

Language: English

Pages: 226

ISBN: 184968698X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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this case. How it works... We enabled Code First Migrations with the Enable-Migrations command and manually changed the mode to Automatic Migrations, showing its behavior with a simple property change. With Automatic Migrations, we can execute the Update-Database command, and all is done for us, without any need to handle versions or anything else. We saw that this comes with the drawback of not being able to move to a previous version. Continuing, we activated Code Migrations and

resulting expression must be HTML-encoded, which is good for avoiding HTML and XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks. The item expression determines the bound property from our bound object. We also checked that this item has full intelli-sense support for the data model/type it is bound to. When we execute the application for the first time and create a DataContext instance, the database is created—that is, if it didn't exist previously. Continuing with application development, we added the

recipe, we will use the dynamically generated web service we implemented in the first recipe. How to do it... In this recipe, we are going to generate a client for a WSDL file. Open the project of our first recipe and set the ASP.NET website that hosts the asynchronous web service. Navigate on the browser to the web service, appending ?wsdl to the address. You should get something like http://localhost:58997/AsyncService.svc?wsdl. Note that the port might change. It will generate an

us to multiselect and move states or activities on the designer (we previously had to make the selection one by one). For complex workflows, we have the Pan mode. You can activate it by clicking on the hand at the bottom right of the workflow designer. We can simulate this by zooming in on our workflow so we can pan around. On the state machine and in the flowchart workflows, we can drag a state on top of another state and see that both states become connected by a transition automatically.

it..., How it works... CodePlex state machine / Introduction constructor method / How to do it... contract-first / Introduction contract-first developmentabout / Using Contract First development using / Using Contract First development, How to do it... working / How it works... Controller... option / How to do it... CopyFilesWithFileStreams method / How to do it... CopyFolderContents() method / How to do it... CRUDabout / Implementing a CRUD ASP.NET web API CRUD ASP.NET web

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