Light on Pranayama : Pranayama Dipika

Light on Pranayama : Pranayama Dipika

B.K.S. Iyengar

Language: English

Pages: 320

ISBN: 0041490606

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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ood lymph, picking up solid was tes, fore ign cells and their products for breakdown or storage. All these activities arc stimulated by n:move prllr:tayama. 6. In the kidney s , production of u rine is d e p end e nt upon the continuous filtration of large volumes of arte ria l blood through the renal corte x . This flow is susceptible lO conflicting d emand s and is ofte n too low. Tendencies to shunt blood away from the renal cortex ne countered by auto-regulation The Effects of

taught to the fifth type of slidhaka, the one with t h e highest mental developme n t, known as niruddha. It i s done without the suppon of a mantra, wherein the sadhaka breathes, l ives and ex per ie nces the state know n as 'that thou art' (tattvam asi). 9- Sabrja, like a seed, sprou ts thoughts, ideas a nd vis ions, while nirbija, which is l ike a roasted seed, does not . Sabij a has a beginning and an end; it has shape, fo rm and connotations, like lamp and light and light and flame.

techniques given in Paras 3 10 7 of S tage I I I . J. Breathe out slowly but not deeply, making the exhalation sligh tly longer than normal. 4. This c om pl e t es one cycle. Repeat such cycles for ten minutes, inhale and then rest in savasana ( P l . 1 82). St ages V to VII a re preparatory ro ujjayl pranayama practices, done in a sitting position. STAGE V I I I Now begin ujjayi pral_layama proper, with deep in and oul breaths. Technique 1. Sil in any comfortable position, following the

of the torso and become aware of the process. 5· After a few seconds, this awareness begins to lose its gri p . The moment this happens, exhale normally. This is o ne cycle, so practise ten to fifteen of them. 6. If any fatigue is felt d u r i ng this practice, these cycles may be al ternated with normal breathing. 7. When this p ractice becomes easy, imensify it until you can comfortably hold the breath for ten to fif£een seconds at a time. To increase rhe length of retention, l i ft the d

By practising asanas the sadhaka's physical disabilities and mental distractions van ish and the gates of the spirit are opened. Asanas bring health, beauty, str eng th , firmness, l ightne ss, clarity of spe ech and expression, calmnes s of the nerves and a happy disposition. Their prac t ice can be compared ro the growth of a ma ngo tree. If the tree has grown sound and healthy, its essem;:e is to be fou nd in its fru it. Likewise, the essence d is t illed from practising asanas is the

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