Jerry Yarnell's Landscape Painting Secrets

Jerry Yarnell's Landscape Painting Secrets

Jerry Yarnell

Language: English

Pages: 144

ISBN: 1581809514

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Let Jerry teach you how to Master Landscapes

You can master landscape painting with the help of popular painter Jerry Yarnell. In "Landscape Painting Secrets," Jerry explores the different areas of landscape painting that often create problems for beginning and intermediate artists. All of the major landscape elements are covered--from rocks, dirt roads and grass to still and moving water to atmospheric conditions like rainbows, falling snow, storm clouds and lightning.

Dozens of thumbnail studies break each element down step by step with clear instructions and photographs so no stroke is uncertain. These individual studies let you practice and explore new techniques without the worry of ruining a complete painting. Once you've mastered the techniques, Jerry will help you apply what you've learned in three complete landscape scenes that include detailed instructions and photographs. Grab your paints and brushes and get started today!

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sable, and, using short, choppy, vertical strokes, highlight the right side of the tree trunk and any major limbs. When this highlight dries, it may lose some of its brightness, so don’t be afraid to repeat this process once or twice to achieve the brightness you’re after. 9 Paint Grass Under Tree Because this is a study, you need only to scrub in some grass at the base of the tree. Take some Thalo Yellow-Green with a little Hooker’s Green and maybe a little Cadmium Orange. Paint this on by

beautiful basic flesh tone. These same three colors can be used in combination with other colors to create earth tones for landscape paintings. You can make black by mixing Ultramarine Blue with equal amounts of Dioxazine Purple and Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber. The list goes on and on; you’ll see the sky is truly the limit. Most paint companies make three grades of paints: economy, student and professional. The professional grades are more expensive but much more effective to work with. The main

can be used without the Stedi-Rest by placing it at the top of the canvas to give you more vertical positions. Understanding Complements By the time you begin studying these books, you may have had some experience with the color wheel. However, I’ve noticed that many students still don’t have a clear understanding of complements, the value system and graying colors. I would like to spend a little time discussing these issues as they pertain to landscapes. Note: There’s much more in-depth study

round sable to paint the highlight on the top-right side of each pebble. Depending on the color scheme of your painting, you can change the highlight to almost anything you want. 6 Spatter Dirt: Phase 2 This step is designed to add multiple colors of pebbles to the dirt. In an effort to create color harmony, depending upon the overall color scheme of the painting, you can use Ultramarine Blue, Hooker’s Green, Cadmium Red, Dioxazine Purple or any color you want. Just be sure to add a little bit

part Burnt Sienna + one-fourth part Burnt Umber + one-fourth part Cadmium Yellow Light + one-fourth part white. Thin the mixture with water to a very creamy consistency. With a no. 4 flat bristle, begin applying the highlight, starting at the back of the road, using short, choppy, horizontal strokes. Make the road darker as you come forward by adding some of the original dark mixture to the highlight color. As a result, your road should end up with three values: light, middle and dark. It is OK

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