jQuery Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for jQuery Developers (Animal Guide)

jQuery Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for jQuery Developers (Animal Guide)

Language: English

Pages: 480

ISBN: 0596159773

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

jQuery simplifies building rich, interactive web frontends. Getting started with this JavaScript library is easy, but it can take years to fully realize its breadth and depth; this cookbook shortens the learning curve considerably. With these recipes, you'll learn patterns and practices from 19 leading developers who use jQuery for everything from integrating simple components into websites and applications to developing complex, high-performance user interfaces.

Ideal for newcomers and JavaScript veterans alike, jQuery Cookbook starts with the basics and then moves to practical use cases with tested solutions to common web development hurdles. You also get recipes on advanced topics, such as methods for applying jQuery to large projects.

  • Solve problems involving events, effects, dimensions, forms, themes, and user interface elements
  • Learn how to enhance your forms, and how to position and reposition elements on a page
  • Make the most of jQuery's event management system, including custom events and custom event data
  • Create UI elements-such as tabs, accordions, and modals-from scratch
  • Optimize your code to eliminate bottlenecks and ensure peak performance
  • Learn how to test your jQuery applications

The book's contributors include:

  • Cody Lindley
  • James Padolsey
  • Ralph Whitbeck
  • Jonathan Sharp
  • Michael Geary and Scott González
  • Rebecca Murphey
  • Remy Sharp
  • Ariel Flesler
  • Brian Cherne
  • Jörn Zaefferer
  • Mike Hostetler
  • Nathan Smith
  • Richard D. Worth
  • Maggie Wachs, Scott Jehl, Todd Parker, and Patty Toland
  • Rob Burns

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for page load. $(window).load(function() { // Begin rotation. rotate($('#rotator li:visible:first')); }); } // Kick things off. $(document).ready(function() { init_rotator(); }); Discussion This recipe starts off by defining two key variables: speed (a numeric value in milliseconds) and pause (a Boolean to tell the rotator whether to play). Initially, speed has been set to two seconds, and pause is set to false, allowing the rotator to autoplay when the page loads. Inside

no HTML, since we’re reusing the .track element from the previous section. Oh, and in case you hadn’t noticed, that buffering code is totally bogus. Well, it works; it just isn’t representing a song being buffered, only simulating it. But it works great! If you really had a music resource that was coming in and buffering and your audio API supported notifying you of that, you’d bind to the event and set the progress bar value as shown earlier, between 0 and 100. Unlike Slider, you can’t specify a

class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-active ui-corner-top">code

Three classes are applied that assign very specific styles: ui-accordion-header is a Widget-specific class unique to this component; it sets structural style rules (positioning, dimensions, margin, padding) but does not apply any colors or images. ui-state-active is a Framework class that adds the theme colors and background images to show its active state. ui-corner-top, another Framework class, specifies that the header

approach. Instead, let’s use Douglas Crockford’s JSON library mentioned in the previous recipe. (Note that his library does utilize eval() except that it pre-processes the data to make sure the data is safe.) var serializedJSON = '{"title":"Hello World!","body":"It\'s great to be alive!"}'; var message = JSON.parse( serializedJSON ); So, now we can work with our message object as we would any other JavaScript object: alert( "New Message!\nTitle: " + message.title + "\nBody: " +

without a loop? JavaScript in a web browser does not have a sleep() function as found in many languages. There’s no way to pause script execution like this: doSomething(); sleep( 1000 ); doSomethingLater(); Instead, as with any asynchronous activity in JavaScript, the setTimeout() function takes a callback that is called when the time interval elapses. The .slowEach() method increments the “loop” variable i in the setTimeout() callback, using a closure to preserve the value of that

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