Human Anatomy, 3rd Edition

Human Anatomy, 3rd Edition

Language: English

Pages: 960

ISBN: 0073378097

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

With its unrivaled art program and accessible writing style, McKinley/O'Loughlin's Human Anatomy stands apart from other anatomy texts. High-quality photographs paired with brilliantly rendered illustrations help students visualize, understand, and appreciate the wonders of human anatomy. Student-friendly Study Tips, Clinical View boxes, and progressive question sets motivate students to internalize and apply what they've learned.

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the origin of the epidermis, while the mesoderm gives rise to the dermis. 5.8a Integument Development By the end of the seventh week of development, the surface ectoderm is composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium. These epithelial cells divide, grow, and form a layer of squamous epithelium that flattens and becomes a covering layer called the periderm and an underlying basal layer (figure 5.12). The basal layer will form the stratum basale and all other epidermal layers. By the eleventh week of

basement ______ 5. In a skeletal muscle fiber, a triad is composed of membrane. a. myosin, actin, and myofibrils. Match each numbered item with the most closely related lettered 4.1e Types of Epithelium 85 b. one A band, one H zone, and one I band. item. ■ In a simple epithelium, the surface cells are thin and flat (squamous epithelium), about as tall as they are wide c. one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae. (cuboidal epithelium), or taller than they are wide (columnar epithelium).

characteristics of living things (organisms), and it is the smallest living portion of the human body. Several properties are common to all organisms, including humans: mck78097_ch01_001-022.indd 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Organization. All organisms exhibit a complex structure and order. As mentioned earlier in this section, the human body has several increasingly complex levels of organization. Metabolism. All organisms carry out various chemical reactions, collectively termed metabolism. These

Right lumbar region Right iliac region Epigastric region Left hypochondriac region Umbilical region Left lumbar region Hypogastric region Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ) 17 Left iliac region (a) Abdominopelvic regions (b) Abdominopelvic quadrants Figure 1.11 Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants. The abdominopelvic cavity can be subdivided into (a) nine regions or (b) four quadrants for purposes of description

body does not reject the tissue as “foreign.” However, autografts may not be feasible in certain situations, such as when the amount of skin damaged is so great that a transplant would not be possible. Most burn victims have damaged too much of their own skin to be able to provide autografts for all of their burned areas. A syngenetic (sin-je˘-net‘ik; syn = together) graft, also called an isograft, is a tissue transplant from one person to a genetically identical person (i.e., an identical twin).

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