Hellenistic and Roman Sparta : a tale of two cities

Hellenistic and Roman Sparta : a tale of two cities

Paul Cartledge

Language: English

Pages: 320

ISBN: 0415071445

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A comprehensive account of ancient Sparta over the eight centuries or so following her loss of "great power" status on the battlefield in 371BC. "Hellenistic and Roman Sparta" should be of interest to all those concerned with classical studies, as well as to the non-specialist reader attracted by the ambiguous repetition of this notorious city. Paul Cartledge and Antony Spawforth provide an analysis of social, political and economic changes in the Spartan community which challenges the conventional perception of Spartan "decline" in post-Classical antiquity.

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and Pausanias). The slightly better-known Aristocrates son of Hipparchus wrote a work on Spartan history which Plutarch used in his Life of Lycurgus. His name and patronymic suggest an aristocratic Spartan and his assignation by Jacoby to the early principate is confirmed by an unpublished inscription in the Sparta Museum.2 These authors show that a local literary tradition had taken firm root at Sparta by the Augustan period. The way to this development was paved by the cultural aspirations of

Copied ‘in Lacedaemonia ad ingentia et ornamentissima columnarum epistilia (sic)’, according to Sangallo, who represents the inscription on three epistyle-blocks supported by three pairs of columns and superimposed on each other in an architectural conceit, although presumably preserving something (epistyle-blocks on a Corinthian colonnade?) of Cyriacus’ original drawing of an ancient ruin still standing as late as M.Fourmont’s visit (1729–30). Could the columns be the two ‘outside’ the Late

Linguistic archaism elsewhere: e.g. Ameling 1983 ii, no.143; Bernand 1960, nos. 28, 30 (‘Aeolic’ poems of Balbilla). 27 Chrimes 1949, 124–6; Woodward 1950, 620. Timocrates: Athen. Deipn. i.15c. Ball-tournament: IG v. 1.674, dated by Woodward 1951, 193. 28 Tourism generally: Casson 1974, 229–99. Polemo: Deichgräber 1952, especially cols.1297–8, nos. 7–8. Paus.iii.11.1. Platanistas: Cic. Tusc. Disp.v.27.77; ‘endurance-contest’: Plut. Arist.17.8; Lib. or.i.23; ball-tournament: schol. adOd.viii.372

J.R. (1983), ‘De Cléomene a Nabis’, Nova Tellus1, 105–20. Martinez-Lacy, J.R. (1985), rev. of Marasco 1981, Nova Tellus3, 273–94. Martinez-Lacy, J.R. (1988), ‘Opposition in the Hellenistic World: non-citizen revolts between 323 and 30 B.C’, diss., Cambridge. Mason, H.J. (1974), Greek Terms for Roman Institutions, Toronto. Meier, Ch. (1984), ‘“Revolution” in der Antike’, in O. Brunner et al., eds, Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe, Stuttgart. 656–70. Meier, Ch. (1986), rev. of M.I. Finley,

battle but also by a recrudescence of the pre-Agis socio-economic crisis. However that may be, Machanidas certainly wished to pursue an active military policy against Sparta’s by now traditional enemies of the Achaean League. The timing was opportune, since Roman forces outdid even the savagery of Philip in their descents upon Achaean positions in the Peloponnese. Thus probably in 208 Machanidas not only recovered the perennially disputed Belminatis but actually captured Tegea, attacked Elis, and

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