German Expressionist Prints and Drawings, Volume 2: Catalogue of the Collection

German Expressionist Prints and Drawings, Volume 2: Catalogue of the Collection

Bruce Davis

Language: English

Pages: 864

ISBN: 2:00181879

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Catalogues the more than 5000 works of the collection.

Modern North: Architecture on the Frozen Edge

Art of Islam (Temporis Collection)

The Aesthetics of Grace: Philosophy, Art, and Nature (American University Studies)

Grands Maîtres De La Renaissance

Beautiful Geometry

Edgar Heap of Birds














(6/50), -ft*"-!' ; cm) numbered 1.1. provenance: Hauswedell & Hamburg, 2-4 June 1977, REFERENCE: Schult 282 EXHIBITION: Chipp 3 M. 82. 288. lot Nolte, 61 106 Der Durstige, 1930 wwSLs '- l.r. jgk (The thirsty one) Reproduction of a drawing (Schult 105 107 1916), with letter from Barlach signed and dated "Giistrow 131/4 / Febr. 1930" x 20V2 in. (33.7 x 52.0 cm) provenance: gift of Dr. Isa LohmannSiems, Hamburg, 1978 The reproduction and letter were sent to Dr. Lohmann-Siems

Rudolf Grossmann, 1882-1941. Gemdlde, Aquarelle, . Zeichnungen, Graphik, Arntz, Wilhelm Jordan, Jim. The Graphic Legacy of Paul Klee. Exhibition catalogue. Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard Col- zwanzigstenjahrhunderts. Band 1: Ackermann—Avery. Haag (Oberbayern): Verlag Gertrud Arntz- Winter, 1974. Barron, Stephanie, ed. German S. German : Expressionist Sculpture. Exhibition cata- logue. Los Angeles: Los Angeles Barton, Brigid County Museum of Art,

1916 with horses) Woodcut on wove paper 5V8 x 7 3/i6 in. (13.0 x 18.2 cm) From Der Sturm 7, no. 2 (1916): 13 provenance: Ex Libris, New York; purchased in 1982 REFERENCE: Engels 7 376 83- 1- 1393-3 100 Campendonk 377 Sitzender weiblicher Akt mit Hund, Rehen und 1916 c. (Seated female nude with deer and dog) Woodcut on wove paper cm) x 5V16 in. (17.9 x 12.9 7'/i6 From Der Sturm 7, PROVENANCE: Ex Libris, purchased in no. 3 (1916): 33 New York; 1982 REFERENCE:

reproduction) 572 83.1. 1379 d 574 Selbstbildnis, 1916 (Self-portrait) Woodcut on 6% x 6 in. laid paper (17.2 x 15.3 From Der Weg provenance: Ex purchased in cm) no. 5/6 (1919): 1 1, Libris, New York; 1976 REFERENCE: Sbhn 85b EXHIBITION: Reed under 305; Chipp 140 83.1.1217 a 575 Vater und Sohn reichen sich im Beisein vonMondund Sternen die Hande, 1916 (Father and son reach toward each other in the presence of the moon and stars) Woodcut on orange wove paper 11% x 9%

(24. 1x16.8 cm) From Die rote Erde 1, no. 6 (1919): 171 provenance: Hans Bolliger, Zurich: purchased 604 605 in 1975 REFERENCE: Sohn 191b EXHIBITION: Reed under 298 83. 1.970 d 606 Mutter und Kind, 1919 (Mother and child) Woodcut on wove paper 5 15 /i6 x 3% in. (15.0 x 8.5 cm) From Die Ahtion 25/26 (1920): 10, no. 351 provenance: of Titus Felixmiiller, gift 1984 REFERENCE: Sohn 183b L.84.5.87 c; lent by the Robert Gore Rifkind Foundation, Beverly Hills, California 607 Mutter

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