Dynamics of Yoga: The Foundation of Bihar Yoga by Swami Satyananda Saraswati 2nd (second) Edition (2008)

Dynamics of Yoga: The Foundation of Bihar Yoga by Swami Satyananda Saraswati 2nd (second) Edition (2008)

Language: English

Pages: 0


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Hell-Bent: Obsession, Pain and the Search for Something Like Transcendence in Bikram Yoga

Yoga-nidra : La pratique du sommeil conscient

Warrior Pose: How Yoga (Literally) Saved My Life

Hell-Bent: Obsession, Pain and the Search for Something Like Transcendence in Bikram Yoga

Yoga Anatomy



















i n d al l thoughts about the act i v i t ies of t h e day. A simple w ay of doi n g t h i s is a to start mental japa or ishta mantra . Any dismrbing thouglm of the day w i l l au tomat ically be driven away . Then meditate on your ishta (desired dei ty ) for so m et i m e and lie down in bed in th i s s t a t e . Yoga nidra i s a m ore e ffi c i e n t a n d effective form o r p s ychic and physi ol ogi cal res t and rejuvenation than con ­ ventional sleep . H owever, throu gh y o ga nidra ,

nsions wh ich bri n g on ageing, which i n Lum ebbs awav the strcngLh in a short r i m e . M an i s not a mere boule of bl ood, a mass of tlcsh a n d a bundle of b o ne s ; he is fi.tll of l i kes ;md dislikes, ideals , failh and fee l i ngs. F rom the cradle to th e grave he goes on fil li ng his basket o f l i fe w i th agreeable experiences. His mind thus becomes very much a lumber roo m o f sen s a t i ons, perceptious and concep t i o n s . All rhese \kclitatio n , perfect overpower h i s

through d assica l kriyas and kun daliui yoga. • It cul m i n ates in prosperi ty� and harmony at all lev e l s through wisdom U na n a yoga ) . S c i e n t i fi c experi m e n tation a n d research are c e n t r a l themes o f B i h a r Yoga . From t h e very begin n i n g Sw�un i Sa tyananda experimented with know l edge from the suip­ Lu res , ex t ra cted what was rel evan t an d rei n troduced it in a practical fo1m . Asanas were sy stematized and group e d accor­ ding to po si ti o n

to acc e l e rate one's con sc ious evolu tion . For e x a m p l e . du ri ng a s a na practice, aspirants grad ual ly exp a n d t he i r awareness from the gross to the more subtle dim ensions . Physical aw a re n ess is followed by breath aw are n es s , mental awareness and ul timately pranic awareness, a!! the gradua l ex p a ns i on of awareness occurs. The develop men t of the ability Lo 'witnes s ' , which forther expan d s the faculty of awareness, is another importa n t aspect of

ular word and al s o an ; 1 11cient word . Much before Patar�jali envisaged his philosophy of yoga. wh i ch was in fact an indirect systematization of Sam khya me taphys ics , the term yoga had been referred to i 11 several H i n du scri p nires a n d also in Buddh ist literature . l h e c o n fu s i o n h a s been co n fou n d e d by t h e p i e c e m e al a p proach to yogic theory . T h e e m p h as i s o n yoga s a n a s ( necessary though t h e y arc) to t h e exc l u sion o f the p h i

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