Drush User's Guide

Drush User's Guide

Language: English

Pages: 140

ISBN: 1849517983

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A practical guide full of examples and step-by-step instructions to start using Drush right from chapter 1. Drupal developers or themers who understand Drupal administration's basic concepts. Drush can make building any kind of website quicker and easier, no matter if it is a development environment, beta, a simple blog or a complex system.

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list (7.x-3.0) does not have support and is older than 7.x-3.1. The --dev option lists only development releases, as in the following example: $ drush pm-releases --dev freelinking ------- RELEASES FOR 'FREELINKING' PROJECT ------Release Date Status 7.x-3.x-dev 2011-Sep-02 Development If we want to know what is in a project release, we can print its release notes by executing pm-releasenotes. Here is an example of how to print release notes about the latest release of the Freelinking

cannot be executed through Cron • To extend the capabilities of an existing command in order to perform extra tasks needed in the production environments of your websites • To perform a task without a graphic interface, such as the content generator command of the Devel module Drush commands follow a syntax very similar to Drupal. They are defined within a hook as an array of properties and a callback function does the processing. They also have hooks before, during, and after their

$command['options']['enable'] = "Enable the module automatically."; } } Any command-line input or output is written as follows: $ drush user-blocker --since="1970" en Blocked 0 users [success] When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a command-line input or output, the relevant lines or items are set in italics: $ drush user-blocker --since="1970" en [3] Preface Long commands that expand on more than one line have a backslash (\) at the end of each line, so they can be

symbolic link to one of them: $ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin: /usr/games:/home/juampy/local/bin:/opt/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools $ sudo ln -s /path/to/php/executable /usr/local/bin/php After that, you should be able to run php -v without errors. You can find further information about requirements at the Drush README.txt (http://drupalcode.org/project/drush.git/ blob/HEAD:/README.txt). [9] Installation and Basic Usage Installation for Linux and Unix

You can follow him at http://twitter.com/ greg_1_anderson. Jonathan Araña Cruz has been a sysadmin since early 2000 and has been involved with Drupal since 2006, when a site built by others fell in his hands. At present, he combines both sysadmin and Drupal development work. He has published some modules to aid migration from other CMS options to Drupal. He regularly contributes patches to modules he works with. At a point in time, he found Drush and saw a lot of possibilities in the management

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