Amazon Web Services For Dummies

Amazon Web Services For Dummies

Bernard Golden

Language: English

Pages: 384

ISBN: 1118571835

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Create dynamic cloud-based websites with Amazon Web Services and this friendly guide!

As the largest cloud computing platform in the world, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides one of the most popular web services options available. This easy-to-understand guide is the perfect introduction to the Amazon Web Services platform and all it can do for you. You'll learn about the Amazon Web Services tool set; how different web services (including S3, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Flexible Payments) and Glacier work; and how you can implement AWS in your organization.

  • Explains how to use Amazon Web Services to store objects, take payments, manage large quantities of data, send e-mails, deploy push notifications, and more from your website
  • Details how AWS can reduce costs, improve efficiency, increase productivity, and cut down on expensive hardware investments - and administrative headaches - in your organization
  • Includes practical examples and helpful step-by-step lists to help you experiment with different AWS features and create a robust website that meets your needs

Amazon Web Services For Dummies is exactly what you need to get your head in the cloud with Amazon Web Services!

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folders can contain folders themselves, thus allowing S3 to mimic the conventions of computer file systems. AWS presents the organization of S3 as a set of buckets containing objects or folders, which can contain other folders or objects. 51 52 Part I: Getting Started with AWS Things are not what they seem Keep in mind that although the S3 Management Console presents files in a nice, neat folder structure, there is in fact no hierarchical organization of objects within S3 buckets. It’s just

networking design. With the fundamentals out of the way, you can then find out how EC2 instances interact with the network. Finally, I introduce you to a typically clever AWS solution to some problems that arise when you try to use the basic networking scheme to address the need for persistent IP addresses. 136 Part II: Diving into AWS Offerings Brushing Up on Networking Basics When computers talk to one another, they do so over a network. For the vast majority of computing done throughout

corporate website (for example, for many years), yet every time you launch an instance that runs your website, it is assigned a new public IP address. In other words, how can you manage the DNS mapping for your website when the IP address associated with your company website (say, changes every time you launch the website’s instance? The answer to this question is “Elastic IP addresses — and you can find out all about them in the section titled (curiously enough) “AWS Elastic IP

this technique is to enable instances Chapter 6: AWS Networking to communicate their IP addresses to one another, but these techniques are also used for other important information that an instance may need, such as the username and password for connecting to a database or which code packages should be loaded onto the instance. Some organizations use this kind of technique to identify a set of scripts that should be loaded onto the instance; these scripts, in turn, download software packages

ensure that, even if someone becomes sloppy with instance-level security groups (say, by opening a wide range of 177 178 Part II: Diving into AWS Offerings ports for public access from the Internet), you would ensure that no inappropriate traffic can access subnet instances, because the ACL prevents it from even entering the subnet. To manage an ACL, you create a set of rules that are evaluated in order according to rules numbers you assign to each rule. An ACL essentially offers a Linux-like

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