A Workbook for New Testament Greek: Grammar and Exegesis in First John

A Workbook for New Testament Greek: Grammar and Exegesis in First John

Language: English

Pages: 128

ISBN: 0801048125

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A Workbook for New Testament Greek: Grammar and Exegesis in First John provides valuable help for students who want to begin studying the New Testament in the original Greek. Many Greek instructors agree that First John is the best place to start reading in the New Testament because it is brief and does not use many complicated sentences or rare words. This workbook divides 1 John into twenty-five assignments averaging four verses. Each assignment has three sections:

• Vocabulary--defines and parses forms that may as yet be unfamiliar
• Questions--leads the student through important grammatical observations
• For Further Study--encourages deeper reflection on questions of grammar, textual criticism, exegesis, and application

All three sections give valuable references to grammars, commentaries, lexicons, and other study helps that students should become familiar with. Also provided are two built-in reference tools:

• Greek-English Dictionary of First John--briefly defines every word used in 1 John
• Analytical Lexicon of First John--parses every form that appears in the letter

Designed for use in the second half of a first-year Greek course by students who have passed the midpoint in a standard introduction to New Testament Greek, this workbook can also be used for individual study and review.

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addressing his readers as "beloved" (2:7; 3:2; 4:1, 7, 11) or "children" (2:1; 2:12, 14, 18, 28; 3:7, 18; 4:4; 5:21) and address them as &8eXc|>oi in v. 13? (The term occurs nowhere else in Johannine literature as a direct form of address.) Examine the immediate context. Assignment 14 - 1 John 3:13-15 3. What idea is conveyed by el in v. 13? (See Burton, Syntax, §277; Young, Intermediate NT Greek, 185.) 4. How do the tense of peTa(3e(3fiKaLiev and that of dyaiTCOLiev highlight John's

false teachers? Examine carefully the clauses in which these words occur. In what position are these pronouns placed? 2. What light do such verses as 1 J o h n 2:29 and 3:9-10 shed on the meaning of TJUE'IG

Grammar, 70.) Assignment 25 2 John 5:18-21 e. Would Christ's being God explain how one can be in the Father (6 dXnGivoc;) by being in the Son (v. 20)? f. Would an affirmation of Christ's deity at the beginning (1:1-2) and here at the end of his epistle be fitting in light of the manner in which John begins and concludes his gospel (cf. John 1:1; 20:28)? 2. Note the relation of the verb cj)\)Xdaao) (v. 21) to the term ^uXctKTrjpia ("phylacteries") in Matt 23:5. What are phylacteries (or

pass by (in act.); pass away, disappear, be brought past (in pass.) (5) TrtxpdKXrjTog, -ov, 6, advocate, intercessor, helper, one who speaks in another's defense (4) u a p o u G L C X , - a g , f|, presence, coming, arrival (10) 7Tappr|aia, - a g , f|, boldness, openness, confidence (10) i r d g , rrdaa, irdv, all, every (2, 8, 9, 10, 22) TraTfjp, i r a T p d g , 6. father (1, 6, 9) TreL0co, Treiaoo, e T r e t a a , TreTroiGa, TreireLaLiaL, e7Tei.a0T|v, persuade, convince, reassure (15) Trept,

TTpcòxog masc. n o m . sg. rrpcbTog TTCOTroxe adv. ircÓTroxe Trcog adv. Trcog Z GCtpKi fem. dat. sg. odp^ oapKÓg fem. gen. sg. adp£ GKdv8aXov neut. n o m . / a c c . sg. oxdvOaXov GKÓxei neut. dat. sg. GKÓxog GKOXia fem. n o m . sg. GKOTICX Lexicon GKOxLct fem. dat. sg. CKOXICC OTréppa neut. n o m . / a c c . sg. a n é p p a arrXdyxva neut. n o m . / a c c . pi. G T r X d Y X Gxcopev 1st pi. 2d aor. subj. act. e x Gcoxfjpoc masc. acc. sg. acoTrjp vov 03 T xd neut. n o m . / a c c . pi. ó,

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