A Guide to Trance Land: A Practical Handbook of Ericksonian and Solution-Oriented Hypnosis

A Guide to Trance Land: A Practical Handbook of Ericksonian and Solution-Oriented Hypnosis

Language: English

Pages: 128

ISBN: 0393705781

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A friendly and brief guide to the essentials of hypnosis.

Popular author Bill O’Hanlon offers an inviting and reassuring guide to the essentials of hypnosis, alleviating the newcomer’s anxieties about how to make the most of this clinical tool. This brief book illustrates the benefits of solution-oriented hypnosis, which draws on the work of the pioneering therapist Milton Erickson (with whom O’Hanlon studied) and emphasizes doing what is needed to get results―which, more often than not, means trusting that the client holds within him- or herself answers or knowledge that need only be tapped or released by the therapist. O’Hanlon covers the key aspects of hypnosis, including: using possibility words and phrases; using passive language; and inducing trance. O’Hanlon offers practical tips and friendly encouragement for the novice hypnotherapist―in his characteristic warm, reassuring, and humorous style.

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the possibility of a current or future divorce. In contrast, if you mention pleasant memories, people will be more likely to conjure up their own pleasant memories. In a famous video of Erickson’s work (The Artistry of Milton H. Erickson), Erickson mentions to the subject, Mondi, that he was working with a woman a few nights before and she remembered something from the time before she was 5 years old. He then mentions that the woman thought of a happy memory of a pet she had. Later, Erickson

but if I asked you about them later, you might then not remember that you forgot them. That is, consciously, you might not remember but your unconscious mind is likely to remember now what your unconscious forgot then. So, then, how does your unconscious decide what to remember, what to make conscious and what to forget, and what to keep unconscious? I don’t really know how to explain it all, but you don’t really have to understand. You can just go into trance in the way that is right for you.

intervention. These include brain chemical levels and energy levels. Some people are not helped by medications or only helped a bit, and hypnosis can be a good adjunct or alternative treatment. 8.5 Trance Phenomena When people go into trance, they regularly have alterations in the areas of perceptions, memory, sensations, physiology, and their sense of time and space, among other changes. These sometimes occur spontaneously and can also be evoked or invited by the hypnotist. In this section

hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I learned a lot about getting a person into trance, handling abreactions, and giving suggestions, but little about the actual nitty-gritty of facilitating change with hypnotherapy if simple suggestion did not produce results (it often doesn’t, in my experience). So here, for much less than $64,000, is my answer. 9.1 Goals of Traditional Versus Solution-Oriented Hypnosis In the solution-oriented approach to hypnotherapy, the goals of treatment are substantially

have used the model to do the same for their clients and patients. I call this model the class of problems and class of solutions model. I had a flash of insight one day while reading about a case of Erickson’s. He wasn’t focused on working on the specific presenting problem directly (he is often referred to as an indirect hypnotherapist). Instead he seemed to move to another level and abstract the kind or type of problem that included the particular problem. This gave him a lot of options for

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